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Clarification Question #237

Closed stevekessler closed 7 years ago

stevekessler commented 7 years ago


I have read the documentation and there is a sync case that I would like to clarify. The case is that someone with the same name (first and last) but not the same email address are both pushed to MailChimp. What we are seeing is that only one instance of the name and email are pushed.

We are concerned about this because we could easily have two Bob Smith contacts with different emails and both should be pushed to MailChimp.

Thank you for the clarification.

Thanks, Steve

artfulrobot commented 7 years ago

I don't see this behaviour. Here's what I did

  1. Create a group, synced as membership group for a Mailchimp List.
  2. Add one contact with my name and email address 1 and add them to the membership group.
  3. Add another contact with my name and email address 2 and add them to the membership group.
  4. Check at yes, both are subscribed.
  5. On delete (not unsubscribe) both subscribers
  6. Run Update Mailchimp from CiviCRM sync
  7. Screen says 2 subscribed, verified it at

Perhaps there's something more specific in your workflow, or perhaps there's something about one of the emails that won't let you subscribe it?

stevekessler commented 7 years ago


Thank you for looking at this. The difference here is that both contacts were created in CiviCRM. Is there a log that might give us more ideas on what is happening.

Thanks, Steve

artfulrobot commented 7 years ago

Sorry @stevekessler I don't understand your description. Perhaps you can do a step by step reproduction?

deepak-srivastava commented 7 years ago

Closing old ticket. Please re-open if the original query still exists in relation to latest v2.x release.