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What exactly is the Civi Blocked? #77

Closed aaronchow closed 9 years ago

aaronchow commented 10 years ago

This is not really an issue but more of curiosity. What exactly is the "Civi Blocked?" I only have 5000 contacts. Whenever I sync my list, the end report says it updated 4,952 contacts, but Civi Blocked gives a - 4,918 contacts. But when I check my contacts, those contacts do not have any kind of "emails on hold" statuses listed.

Also, when I checked the "civicrm_mc_sync" table, it creates a new record (instead of updating it) whenever I synced. It currently has more than 10K+ records, so the table is getting larger and larger whenever I sync. Is this normal? Just curious.


deepak-srivastava commented 9 years ago

Don't think this is any valid with latest v1.3. Should give it a try.