vedb / ved-capture

Visual Experience Data Capture
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Make sure that eye cameras stream @ 200 Hz #38

Open phausamann opened 4 years ago

phausamann commented 4 years ago

Pupil's developer docs refer to a patched version of libusb that is required for streaming @ 200 Hz. The patch seems to be minor: so we could easily adapt the conda recipe for libusb to include this patch.

@marklescroart @KamranBinaee could one of you check whether 200 Hz streaming works as is? I don't have the second gen eye cameras unfortunately.

KamranBinaee commented 4 years ago

@phausamann I ran a few minutes test on the 200 Hz stream. The eye videos couldn't go above 65-67 Hz and the world (FLIR) was bellow 3 Hz. Although I should also say that I tested this while my laptop was <20% battery and I have seen a significant performance drop when it's on low battery. So either the laptop resources can't keep up or the bandwidth doesn't seem to fit what we have. I'll test this on my desktop and also the fully charged laptop hopefully soon.

phausamann commented 4 years ago

Thanks @KamranBinaee. To verify that issues come from libusb we should check streaming only the eye cameras first, i.e.

vedc show eye0


vedc show eye0 eye1
phausamann commented 3 years ago

Here's what needs to be done:

phausamann commented 3 years ago

@mrgreene09 reports that frames are coming in at 200 Hz but there's no image data. @marklescroart @KamranBinaee can you reproduce this?