vedderb / bldc

The VESC motor control firmware
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App Not RUN after reboot or power cycle #553

Closed trisuliswanto closed 1 year ago

trisuliswanto commented 1 year ago

App Will Not RUN after reboot or power cycle, the reason is because in the main startup program app_set_configuration there is a check condition that will check if app has changed, and if there is no app changed the APP will not start bool app_changed = appconf.app_to_use != conf->app_to_use;

vedderb commented 1 year ago

Are you sure? As appconf is static it will be initialized to 0 at boot. If any app is selected other than APP_NONE it should start. I just gave it a try and it works with the ppm-app at least.

trisuliswanto commented 1 year ago

I use ADC APP and it won't run, but as soon as I change another app it begin to run..

vedderb commented 1 year ago

I tried it with adc and adc + uart now, both start correctly after a power cycle. Do you perhaps have some script running that disables the adc-app?

trisuliswanto commented 1 year ago

oh sorry, it's my bad, I forget to remove #define HW_HAS_PERMANENT_NRF in my hwconf, now it start correctly.