vedderb / bldc

The VESC motor control firmware
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Developer Question: STM32F415 Implementation #662

Open Andrewcpu opened 8 months ago

Andrewcpu commented 8 months ago

Howdy yall,

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I want to add STM32F415 support with the stock OWGT GPIO ports, battery, and sensors. Essentially, a build of Vesc meant to work on a stock OWGT.

I know we can throw a custom controller in there and rewire the board, but I think having a way to flash a firmware to the OW without needing to do hardware mods would be great.

I see that there are hardware configuration files, but is there a guide or list of things to setup for new hardware? Has someone attempted this / does someone with the technical ability have the time to look into this?

I would be willing to attempt it, but if someone with better technical knowledge can do it faster than my beginner brain, I'd graciously accept that as well.