vedetta-com / caesonia

OpenBSD Email Service
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Invalid recipient: <>. #207

Closed Katzeilla closed 5 years ago

Katzeilla commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I tried to send a email to a Gmail account, and I got 'Invalid recipient:' error.

I'm not sure where the problem might be, I can login and receive email, but can't send anything to other server.

Any suggestion?

horia commented 5 years ago

Hi, are you using MSA, or sending from host i.e. echo test | mail -s test

Katzeilla commented 5 years ago


I guess I know where the problem is.

I can't connect to port 587 directly, initially I guess that's because my ISP blocked it, and I forwarded that port via SSH, that's made my server believe I am sending mail from localhost.

So now I switched to another ISP that didn't block any port, but I still can't connect to that port. :(

k@host ~> telnet 587
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP - gsmtp
telnet> q       
Connection closed.

k@host ~> telnet 587
horia commented 5 years ago

Deleting the following line from "smtpd.conf" will remove the restriction for sending mail from localhost

!mail-from <localhost>

To verify if the submission port is blocked

tcpdump -neq -ttt -i pflog0 port submission

The submission port can be changed in "pf.conf" on the following line

 to port { submission imaps }

... and in smtpd.conf on the following line

listen on egress port submission

... apply changes

pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
rcctl restart smtpd
Katzeilla commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reply!

I changed submission port to 60587 in sptmd.conf

# Message submission agent requires STARTTLS and authentication
# listen on egress port submission \
listen  on egress port 60587 

and in pf.conf

  # MSA and MUA
  # (!) match mail_max_userip_connections from 20-imap.conf
  pass log proto tcp \
   to port { 60587 imaps } \
   keep state (max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn-rate 100/10) \
   tag INET_SELF

Then I verified port 60587 is usable by checking pflog

... rule 2._4.4/(match) pass in on vio0: <my_laptop_ip>.38332 > <server_ip>.60587: tcp 0 (DF)

I also remove all !mail-from <localhost> from sptmd.conf, but after restart I still can't connect to smtpd. :(

~> telnet 60587
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable

smtpd -v -d doesn't show me anything useful.

horia commented 5 years ago

Can you telnet $(hostname) 60587 from your mail host?

I have updated pf.conf to remove "max-src-conn" and added MSA with implicit TLS on port 465

Katzeilla commented 5 years ago
server$  telnet $(hostname) 60587      
Trying 1234:abcd:ef12:3456::43...
telnet: connect to address 1234:abcd:ef12:3456::43: Connection refused
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

Although smtpd is running, port 60587 is not listening.

server$ ps -aux | grep smtpd
_smtpd   55773  0.0  0.9  1832  4500 ??  Ip     5:36AM    0:00.02 smtpd: control (smtpd)
_smtpd   88314  0.0  0.8  1568  4196 ??  Ip     5:36AM    0:00.01 smtpd: klondike (smtpd)
root     88066  0.0  0.4  1836  2196 ??  Isp    5:36AM    0:00.03 smtpd
_smtpd   10407  0.0  0.8  1556  4256 ??  Ip     5:36AM    0:00.01 smtpd: scheduler (smtpd)
_smtpq   25953  0.0  0.9  1776  4436 ??  Ip     5:36AM    0:00.09 smtpd: queue (smtpd)
_smtpd   14994  0.0  0.9  1696  4448 ??  Ip     5:36AM    0:00.03 smtpd: pony express (smtpd)
_smtpd   48021  0.0  0.9  1708  4372 ??  Ip     5:36AM    0:00.01 smtpd: lookup (smtpd)
_smtpd   68383  0.0  0.4   512  2236 ??  I      5:36AM    0:00.01 passwd /etc/mail/passwd (table-passwd)

server$ netstat -nat |  grep tcp  
tcp          0      0           *.*                    LISTEN
tcp          0      0        *.*                    LISTEN
tcp          0      0        *.*                    LISTEN
tcp          0      0  *.80                   *.*                    LISTEN
tcp          0      0  *.443                  *.*                    LISTEN
tcp          0      0        *.*                    LISTEN
tcp          0      0  *.993                  *.*                    LISTEN

And I checked my smtpd.conf to make sure I got the correct port number.

puffy$ cat /etc/mail/smtpd.conf | grep 60587                                                                                                                                 
listen  on egress port 60587 \

Other methods I tried before:

Start smtpd with -d -f /etc/mail/smtpd.conf Reboot & Restart everything

Still no luck :(

horia commented 5 years ago
listen  on egress port 60587 \

Maybe the interface is not in group egress

ifconfig egress
Katzeilla commented 5 years ago

Now the problem is gone, but I still don't know why..... I restarted the system one more time and now I can send and receive email with no issue.

BTW, why the default smtpd.conf doesn't allow me send from localhost?

horia commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the update, strange problem. We don't account for multiple IP and interfaces, which require additional configuration.

why the default smtpd.conf doesn't allow me send from localhost?

Prevents local users to alias, or mail an external email address for privacy (e.g. system reports sent by mail) and may be a safety measure which can be disabled if not needed. It's a default opinion, unless someone changes my mind.

Katzeilla commented 5 years ago

I am gonna to do everything again, include reinstall OpenBSD itself. I have to know what's going on.

Katzeilla commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the long delay, just got back to my laptop.

I did everything again, and the solution seems to be restart smtpd twice after you modified the smtpd.conf.

Now my OpenBSD-based mail server is online! :)