veebch / hometime

A physical progress bar based on Google Calendar events
GNU General Public License v3.0
45 stars 6 forks source link

Events are not displayed on the bar #19

Closed H4K0N42 closed 1 year ago

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

The events are not beeing displayed on the bar. I think the calendar is correctly integrated because the start and end times are adopted. I don't know if it is an mistake on my end or in the code. Please let me know if you have any idea how to ficsit.

Calendar: image

APIKEY = "##############################"
TIMEZONE = "Europe/Berlin"
# Lighting
PIXELS = 240
BARCOL = (0, 20, 0)
EVENTCOL = (0, 20, 20)      # list of tuples used as meeting colours
FLIP = False                # Flip display (set to True if the strip runs from right to left)
GOOGLECALBOOL = True        # Boolean for whether to check google calendar page
IGNORE_HARDCODED = True     # Set to True if you want Clock in at the start of first meeting and Clockout at end of last meeting
SCHEDULE = {                # This doesn't get used if IGNORE_HARDCODED is True. Othewise, it's the working hours for the week
    "monday": [
        "clockin": "0",
        "clockout": "0"
    "tuesday": [
        "clockin": "0",
        "clockout": "0"
    "wednesday": [
        "clockin": "0",
        "clockout": "0"
    "thursday": [
        "clockin": "0",
        "clockout": "0"
    "friday": [
        "clockin": "0",
        "clockout": "0"
    "saturday": [
        "clockin": "0",
        "clockout": "0"
    "sunday": [
        "clockin": "0",
        "clockout": "0"

    Progress Bar. Takes a pico W and a light strip to make a physical progress bar.
    PoC, fok and make it better

     Copyright (C) 2023 Veeb Projects

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>

from phew import access_point, connect_to_wifi, is_connected_to_wifi, dns, server
from phew.template import render_template
import machine
import _thread
import utime
import time
import network
import config
import urequests
import neopixel
import math
import os
import json

# Time with daylight savings time and time zone factored in, edit this to fit where you are
worldtimeurl = "" + config.TIMEZONE
# The ID of the public Google Calendar to be used
calendar = config.CALENDAR
# The API key for google... Not sure why it is needed, but it seems to be
api_key = config.APIKEY
n = config.PIXELS           # Number of pixels on strip
p = config.GPIOPIN          # GPIO pin that data line of lights is connected to
barcolor = config.BARCOL    # RGB for bar color
eventcollist = config.EVENTCOL# RGB for event color
schedule = config.SCHEDULE  # Working hours in config file (only used if google calendar not used)
flip = config.FLIP
googlecalbool = config.GOOGLECALBOOL
led = machine.Pin("LED", machine.Pin.OUT)
eventbool = False # Initialising, no need to edit
checkevery = 10   # Number of cycles before refreshing schedule/clocking times
AP_NAME = "pi pico"
AP_TEMPLATE_PATH = "ap_templates"
WIFI_FILE = "wifi.json"

def machine_reset():

def get_today_appointment_times(calendar_id, api_key, tz):
    # Get the date from the RTC
    rtc = machine.RTC()
    year, month, day, _, hour, minute, _, _ = rtc.datetime()

    # Format the date
    date = "{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}".format(year, month, day)

    # Format the request URL
    url = f"{calendar_id}/events"
    url += f"?timeMin={date}T00:00:00Z&timeMax={date}T23:59:59Z&timeZone={tz}&key={api_key}"

    # Send the request
    response = urequests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    # Extract the appointment times
    appointment_times = []
    for item in data.get("items", []):
         if item["status"] == "cancelled":
         start = item["start"].get("dateTime", item["start"].get("date"))
         start = item["end"].get("dateTime", item["end"].get("date"))
    return appointment_times

def whatday(weekday):
    dayindex = int(weekday)
    nameofday = [
    day = nameofday[dayindex]
    return day

def set_time(worldtimeurl):
        print('Grab time:',worldtimeurl)
        response = urequests.get(worldtimeurl) 
        # parse JSON
        parsed = response.json()
        datetime_str = str(parsed["currentLocalTime"])
        year = int(datetime_str[0:4])
        month = int(datetime_str[5:7])
        day = int(datetime_str[8:10])
        hour = int(datetime_str[11:13])
        minute = int(datetime_str[14:16])
        second = int(datetime_str[17:19])
        offset = int(parsed["currentUtcOffset"]["seconds"])/3600
        # update internal RTC
        dow = time.localtime()[6]
        return dow,offset

def bar(np, upto, clockin, clockout):
    barupto = hourtoindex(upto, clockin, clockout)
    for i in range(barupto):
        np[i] = barcolor

def flipit(np,n):
    for i in range(n):
    for i in range(n):
    return np

def timetohour(time_string):

    # Extract the time portion from the string
    if time_string.count('-') == 2:
        time_part = time_string.split("T")[1].split("+")[0]
        time_part = time_string.split("T")[1].split("-")[0]
    # Split the time into hours, minutes, and seconds
    hours, minutes, seconds = time_part.split(":")

    parsed_time = int(hours)+int(minutes)/60+int(seconds)/3600

    return parsed_time

def addevents(np, response, clockin, clockout):
    indexes = []
    for x in response:
        hour = timetohour(x)
        index = hourtoindex(hour, clockin, clockout)
        if valid(index):
    #pop out pairs of values and paint in meetings
        index = 0
        while True:
            end = indexes.pop()
            start= indexes.pop()
            for i in range(start,end):
                if valid(i):
                    np[i] = eventcollist[index % len(eventcollist)]
            index = (index + 1) 

def valid(index):
    valid = False
    if index <= n and index >= 0:
        valid = True
    return valid

def off(np):
    print('Turn off all LEDs')
    for i in range(n):
        np[i] = (0, 0, 0)

def hourtoindex(hoursin, clockin, clockout):
    index = int(math.floor(n*(hoursin - clockin)/(clockout-clockin)))
    if index < 0 or index > n:
        index = -1
    return index

def eventnow(hoursin, response):
    event = False
    for x in response:
        hour = timetohour(x)
        if abs(hour - hoursin) < 30/3600:
            event = True
    return event

def wheel(pos):
    # Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
    # The colours are a transition r - g - b - back to r.
    if pos < 0 or pos > 255:
        r = g = b = 0
    elif pos < 85:
        r = int(pos * 3)
        g = int(255 - pos * 3)
        b = 0
    elif pos < 170:
        pos -= 85
        r = int(255 - pos * 3)
        g = 0
        b = int(pos * 3)
        pos -= 170
        r = 0
        g = int(pos * 3)
        b = int(255 - pos * 3)
    return (r, g, b)

def rainbow_cycle(np):
    print ('Rainbow!')
    for j in range(255):
        for i in range(n):
            pixel_index = (i * 256 // n) + j
            np[i] = wheel(pixel_index & 255)

def atwork(clockin, clockout, time):
    work = False
    if (time >= clockin) & (time <clockout):
        work = True
    return work

def breathe(np, seconds):
        n = 0
        index = 0
        sleeptime = .05
        breathespeed = .1
        cycles = seconds/sleeptime
        while index < cycles:
            val = int((255/2)*(1+math.sin(n)))
            for j in range(144):
                np[j]=(val, val , val)      # Set LED to a converted HSV value
            n = (n + breathespeed ) % 360
            index = index + 1

def sorted_appointments(array):
    # This is just a placeholder for when/if the google api sends garbled times
    return array

def application_mode():
    global clockin, clockout
    print("Entering application mode.")
    count = 1
    # When you plug in, update rather than wait until the stroke of the next minute
    print("Connected to WiFi")
    np = neopixel.NeoPixel(machine.Pin(p), n)
    dow, offset = set_time(worldtimeurl)
    checkindex = 0
    appointment_times = []
    print('Begin endless loop')
    while True:
            # wipe led clean before adding stuff
            for i in range(n):
                np[i] = (0, 0, 0)
            eventbool = False
            checkindex = checkindex + 1
            now = time.gmtime()
            hoursin = float(now[3])+float(now[4])/60 + float(now[5])/3600  # hours into the day
            dayname = whatday(int(now[6]))
            if checkindex == 1:
                clockin = float(schedule[dayname][0]['clockin'])
                clockout = float(schedule[dayname][0]['clockout'])
                if googlecalbool is True: # overwrite clockin/clockout times if Google Calendar is to be used
                    appointment_times = []
                    clockin = 0
                    clockout = 0
                    eventbool = False
                    print('Updating from Google Calendar')
                        appointment_times = get_today_appointment_times(calendar, api_key, config.TIMEZONE)
                        appointment_times = sorted_appointments(appointment_times)
                        eventbool = eventnow(hoursin, appointment_times[::2]) # only the even elements (starttimes)
                        if config.IGNORE_HARDCODED is True:
                            clockin = timetohour(appointment_times[0])
                            clockout = timetohour(appointment_times[len(appointment_times)-1]) 
                        print('Scheduling issues')
            working = atwork(clockin, clockout, hoursin)
            print(working, clockin, clockout, hoursin)
            if working is True:
                print('Pour yourself a cup of ambition')
                # Draw the events
                addevents(np, appointment_times, clockin, clockout)
                # Draw the bar
                bar(np, hoursin, clockin, clockout)
                if eventbool is True:
                    # If an event is starting, breathe LEDs
                    breathe(np, 30)
                    # Toggle the end led of the bar
                    count = (count + 1) % 2
                    # The value used to toggle lights
                    ledindex = min(hourtoindex(hoursin, clockin, clockout), n)
                    np[ledindex] = tuple(z*count for z in barcolor)
                    # Just the tip of the bar
                if abs(hoursin - clockout) < 10/3600: # If we're within 10 seconds of clockout reset
                if flip == True:
                    np = flipit(np,n)
            # reset the google check index if needed
            if (checkindex > checkevery):
                checkindex = 0
        except Exception as e:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

def setup_mode():
    print("Entering setup mode...")

    def ap_index(request):
        if request.headers.get("host") != AP_DOMAIN:
            return render_template(f"{AP_TEMPLATE_PATH}/redirect.html", domain=AP_DOMAIN)

        return render_template(f"{AP_TEMPLATE_PATH}/index.html")

    def ap_configure(request):
        print("Saving wifi credentials...")

        with open(WIFI_FILE, "w") as f:
            json.dump(request.form, f)

        # Reboot from new thread after we have responded to the user.
        _thread.start_new_thread(machine_reset, ())
        return render_template(f"{AP_TEMPLATE_PATH}/configured.html", ssid=request.form["ssid"])

    def ap_catch_all(request):
        if request.headers.get("host") != AP_DOMAIN:
            return render_template(f"{AP_TEMPLATE_PATH}/redirect.html", domain=AP_DOMAIN)

        return "Not found.", 404

    server.add_route("/", handler=ap_index, methods=["GET"])
    server.add_route("/configure", handler=ap_configure, methods=["POST"])

    ap = access_point(AP_NAME)
    ip = ap.ifconfig()[0]

# Main Logic

# Figure out which mode to start up in...

    # File was found, attempt to connect to wifi...
    with open(WIFI_FILE) as f:
        wifi_credentials = json.load(f)
        ip_address = connect_to_wifi(wifi_credentials["ssid"], wifi_credentials["password"])

        if not is_connected_to_wifi():
            # Bad configuration, delete the credentials file, reboot
            # into setup mode to get new credentials from the user.
            print("Bad wifi connection!")

        print(f"Connected to wifi, IP address {ip_address}")
        application_mode()  # Contains all the progress bar code

except Exception:
    # Either no wifi configuration file found, or something went wrong,
    # so go into setup mode.
veebch commented 1 year ago

What are you seeing when you run it interactively with thonny?

veebch commented 1 year ago

(also, looking at your calendar you need to add an event later in the day..... it looks like your working day is over :)

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

What are you seeing when you run it interactively with thonny?


H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

sorry my mistake, i didnt adjusted the time. image

veebch commented 1 year ago

And the lights don't show now?

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

And the lights don't show

I cant check since the bar is at my school, I assume that it is only green like before.

veebch commented 1 year ago

Ahhhhh, try checking again, it looks like it should be working.

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

Ok, please dont close the issue, I will come back tomorrow.

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

The events are not beegin displayed on the Bar, it also started ~1h late




veebch commented 1 year ago

Is it pulling the google calendar events once every 10 iterations? It seemed to be in the screenshot you sent yesterday, but this looks like it is the google boolean is set to ignore the calendar

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

I pulled the new from the github project so the scipt on the pi is the same like the one on the project.

But the GOOGLECALBOOL is true already.


Do you have any idea how I could fix it?

veebch commented 1 year ago

Try deleting the current config file, copying the example and making changes to that. When you run it interactively, you should see it connecting to google every 10 iterations.

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

If you only use 1 color as an event color, should it be (0, 20, 20) or [(0, 20, 20)] ?

veebch commented 1 year ago

the second option..... or just do two of the same colour :)

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

Ok, I will try it tomorrow, thank you very much for your help.

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

And why is clockin always 9.333333? It doesnt Match the google calendar ...

veebch commented 1 year ago

That is odd, That is 9.20 am. It looks like it is pulling it from a previous meeting (not the first one as it should). I'll try to reproduce the bug.

veebch commented 1 year ago

It looks like the get_appointment is returning too many appointments. Do you perhaps use yyyy-dd-mm format?

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

Im in germany, we use dd-mm-yyyy. My google account is en_us. Doesnt the Script recives unix timestamps?

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

sorry my mistake, i didnt adjusted the time. image

This looks like yyyy-mm-dd but 2023-08-07 looks wrong. I dont know if it is important, all of theese are repeating events

veebch commented 1 year ago

If you look at the appointment times that you are having returned, they are for multiple days. For me it's only the appointments on that day that are returned. So the url that is being passed to google is misbehaving.

Try just putting the url in a browser and see what is returned (replace the curly braced stuff with your values):{calendar_id}/events?timeMin={date}T00:00:00Z&timeMax={date}T23:59:59Z&timeZone={tz}&key={api_key}"

veebch commented 1 year ago

It looks like it is the recurring meetings. The start times are on other days but with a recurrence note. I'll double check and amend the code if needed

veebch commented 1 year ago

I am just having a look at these, in the meantime, you can test the changes I made too :)

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

Clockin works, I find it funny how you fix the Bugs shortly before I can submit the pull request every time xD. PS: I couldnt reply becaue github was down

veebch commented 1 year ago

Good.... Well the upshot is that you made the code better and more robust anyway 👍🏻 I'll leave this open until you check whether it leads to the lights working

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

Ok, I will tell you tomorrow

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

An other small bug: When it syncs from google the tip stops blinking for ~ 17 secounds, that is very annoying, maybe put "checkevery" in the config so you can "adjust" the lag more easily and not spam the api every 10 seconds by default.

H4K0N42 commented 1 year ago

The Bar is now working. Please make the breathing optional and when breathing is off, swap the draw Bar and draw events so the events are shown even when after they happend.

Thank you so much for your help

veebch commented 1 year ago

We got there in the end. And happy to help.... you made the code better.

I'll close this for now and let you make the changes you mentioned. Seeing as we have a habit of working on fixing the same things, I promise to do nothing but drink coffee until I get the PR ;)