veekun / spline-pokedex

heart and soul of veekun's pokédex
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Miscellaneous awesome search improvements #113

Open eevee opened 9 years ago

eevee commented 9 years ago

I've collected a bunch from emails and idle thoughts in #veekun and whatnote. Instead of making a dozen new tickets, I'm dumping them all here to start, and we can later think about how to fit them in or how they might affect the design of a new search.

I'm not even sure how the UI for some of this would work, haha.

Maybe veekun 8 should merge search with lookup and have a little query language...

Also something I kept trying to figure out how to build over in veekun-pokedex was better support for browsing. There are a lot of criteria that group Pokémon into a small set of distinct categories, and these feel more like things you should be able to see grouped into those categories, rather than search for one at a time. Generation, egg groups, types, evolution methods, growth rate, and hatch rate all come to mind. Even stats and effort and capture rate would work as long as they were grouped into rough categories. I just don't know how to make the UI work while still making searching work sensibly.