veeresht / CommPy

Digital Communication with Python
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ModulationPy: M-PSK and M-QAM implementation #100

Closed kirlf closed 3 years ago

kirlf commented 3 years ago


This issue relates to #99 and #60. One of my pet-projects is implementation of the M-PSK and M-QAM modems: ModulationPy. Actually, this is a little faster than your implementation :) (results).

I've tested M-PSK case more or less successfully:


However, I did not have time to do something similar for M-QAM (only unit-tests are done).

Actually, you can just import my module into your project, or we can discuss the optimal way if you are interested!

Have a nice day! :)

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

The results are very good for M-PSK! You have already implemented the M-QAM and only the test is missing, isn't it?

Anyway, importing your code seems the right short-term fix to #99 and #60. I see that you also use BSD 3-clauses licence so we could merge the projects on a mid-term basis.

veeresht commented 3 years ago

I would suggest importing ModulationPy as a dependency and using it in the functions in so that there is no API change for CommPy.

kirlf commented 3 years ago

@BastienTr, yes, there are no simulations for M-QAM in my project. Only unit-tests (decoded message is equal to uncoded) and signal constellation looks right:


@veeresht, I guess it will be the most straightforward way.

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

@kirlf, if you only miss BER vs. SNR curves, I can try to find some time to make them. It's not the most challenging part.

Regarding the embedding of ModulationPy, I see two options to add @kirlf's codes without API changes. On the first hand, we can add ModulationPy in the dependency tree as suggested by @veeresht. On the other hand, we can merge the code directly into the modulation module of CommPy.

Pros for the dependency:

Cons for the dependency:

I guess that the right choice depends mainly on @kirlf's plans for his repo.

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago


Hello guys,

I have quickly written three functions that could be used to implement the gray mapping for M-QAM in your package. You just need to include them as methods in the current class QAMModem and it should work. I have tested them with BER vs EbN0 and the results are in agreement with the theory. The demodulate function assumes only hard decision, though. I believe your code for soft-decision could probably be easily adapted to receive a Gray mapping (or any mapping) as input and return the corresponding LLRs, but I did not look into that. I am attaching a jupyter notebook file with the functions and a quick test. Let me know if it could be of any help to you.


kirlf commented 3 years ago

@BastienTr @veeresht actually, I won't plan to change API. The interfaces for M-PSK ( and M-QAM ( were designed according to MatLab style and opportunities. I guess to add something is not necessary (and we always can use default values or specify version of the library).

So, the opportunity to make the decision is yours! :)

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

I just had a quick review of your suggestions. First of all, thanks for your inputs!

I see two rather independent parts in this discussion: enhancing modem performance and the implementation of Gray coding for QAM modems.

In the first phase, I feel that we should focus on implementing Gray code for QAM since it is the most requested feature (Cf. #99 and #60). The present modem object supports any constellation and maintains its coherency (hard and soft decoding, average power calculation, etc.). Therefore, I'm considering the function proposed by @edsonportosilva as a complementary function to our code. Below is a simple demonstration to show how simple it is.

from sympy.combinatorics.graycode import GrayCode
from numpy.matlib import repmat
import numpy as np
from commpy.modulation import QAMModem

def GrayMapping(M):
    L = int(np.sqrt(M) - 1)
    bitsSymb = int(np.log2(M))

    PAM = np.arange(-L, L + 1, 2)
    PAM = np.array([PAM])

    # generate complex square-QAM constellation
    const = repmat(PAM, L + 1, 1) + 1j * repmat(np.flip(PAM.T, 0), 1, L + 1)
    const = const.T

    for ind in np.arange(1, L + 1, 2):
        const[ind] = np.flip(const[ind], 0)

    code = GrayCode(bitsSymb)
    a = list(code.generate_gray())

    const_ = np.zeros((M, 2), dtype=complex)
    const = const.reshape(M, 1)

    for ind in range(0, M):
        const_[ind, 0] = const[ind, 0]  # complex constellation symbol
        const_[ind, 1] = int(a[ind], 2)  # mapped bit sequence (as integer decimal)

    # sort complex symbols column according to their mapped bit sequence (as integer decimal)
    const = const_[const_[:, 1].real.argsort()]

    return const

QAM16 = QAMModem(16)
QAM16.constellation = GrayMapping(16)[:, 0]
assert QAM16.Es == QAMModem(16).Es

Since GrayMapping is called only once, there is no point of optimizing it to much but it may still be useful to have a closer look. This function could be included in QAMModem and called by QAMModem.__init__. I like this solution all the more because it only requires adding to the dependencies a quite standard library (sympy).

After this quick fix, we could optimize the code by borrowing and/or embedding @kirlf's code, but the work is a bit heavier since we need to interface both codes.

What do you think about it?

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

From my point of view, that would also be the simplest and the best solution, in the sense that you keep the basic code structure of Commpy. In that case, @BastienTr, you may consider adding this modified version with support to 'qam' and 'psk' constellations:

def GrayMapping(M, constType):

    L   = int(np.sqrt(M)-1)
    bitsSymb = int(np.log2(M))

    code = GrayCode(bitsSymb)
    a    = list(code.generate_gray())

    if constType == 'qam':
        PAM = np.arange(-L, L+1, 2)
        PAM = np.array([PAM])

        # generate complex square M-QAM constellation
        const = repmat(PAM, L+1, 1) + 1j*repmat(np.flip(PAM.T,0), 1, L+1)
        const = const.T

        for ind in np.arange(1,L+1,2):
            const[ind] = np.flip(const[ind],0)        

    elif constType == 'psk':
        pskPhases = np.arange(0,2*np.pi,2*np.pi/M)

        # generate complex M-PSK constellation
        const     = np.exp(1j*pskPhases) 

    const    = const.reshape(M,1)
    const_   = np.zeros((M,2),dtype=complex)

    for ind in range(0,M):    
        const_[ind,0]   = const[ind,0]   # complex constellation symbol
        const_[ind,1]   =  int(a[ind],2) # mapped bit sequence (as integer decimal)

    # sort complex symbols column according to their mapped bit sequence (as integer decimal)                 
    const = const_[const_[:,1].real.argsort()] 

    return const
kirlf commented 3 years ago

@BastienTr yes, I am agree that the simplest way means the best way in this case.

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

Ok. The last question is : do we make Gray coding the new default or do we add a new argument? On one hand, changing the default behaviour is a retrocompatibility issue. On the other hand, Gray coding is assumed by most users.

I feel like this is one of the rare situation when we should break the retrocompatibility but I'm not sure...

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

I think it's better to make Gray mapping default because e.g. many people who will try to use Commpy for the first time will look for some way to test if the code is doing what it's supposed to do by basically comparing its results with a theoretical reference. If you don't have Gray mapping as default, the mismatch between simulations and theory will make people suspicious that there is a bug somewhere. There is a gap of less than 0.5 dB from the current mapping to the Gray mapping performance for some QAM formats. Because this penalty is small in some cases, it's not straightforward to find from where it's coming from if you e.g. have already built a reasonable complex simulation. Until you realize it's the mapping, if you do, you may have lost a long time debugging stuff. So, making it default would avoid that.

kirlf commented 3 years ago


@BastienTr I'm writing to inform that I've finalized BER simulation and performance testing for M-QAM in ModulationPy project!

Have a nice day!

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

@BastienTr @veeresht

Hello guys, just a heads up: I tried to update the Commpy version I use, to get the code after the update to implement Gray mapped constellations, and the script I had before with QAMModem was still not using Gray mapping as default. I don't know why. I didn't try to look into the code in detail, but I have checked that the modifications made in the last pull request are there. Maybe something went missing while updating the modems.

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

Hi @edsonportosilva,

Thanks for the feedback. Could you please share minimal working example (MWE) or an executable piece of codes that show the bug? I have some free time to have a look :smile:

Did you update using pip or did you downloaded the github version? The pip repo is currently outdated. Do you think that I should make a new release just for the Gray coding?

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

Hello @BastienTr

I have updated the code manually downloading the files from GitHub. Check the notebook attached with a simple implementation to test BER vs EbN0. If you run it, you will see that the BER curve yet does not agree with the theory, which is the very same problem the pull request was supposed to fix.

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

I just run your code on my laptop and everything work as expected. Here is the output from your code. 100b

Moreover, the unit tests from the library match the theory for both m-PSK and m-QAM.

Could you double check that you use the last Commpy version from github? I'll try to use a fresh install on my desktop to see if I can reproduce the bug on my laptop.

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

I just checked with a fresh intall using Python 3.9 and pip install -r requirements.txt. Everything work as expected.

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

Hi @BastienTr,

Funny, then It must be something went wrong when I tried to update the code in my notebook. I remember I tried to use pip and it didn't work, so I move to manually install everything, then I checked the version of Commpy and tried to run some tests...

But still, right now, with another fresh install, following the same steps as you mention, and using a new conda environment I get this:


I am using GitHub Desktop to download the files, let me download them directly to see what happens...

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

Ok, after downloading the files from GitHub, if I try to install using python install, I get this error:

(py39) C:\Users\edson\Documents\GitHub\edsonportosilva\CommPy>python install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\edson\Documents\GitHub\edsonportosilva\CommPy\", line 9, in <module>
    LONG_DESCRIPTION = open('').read()
  File "C:\Users\edson\AppData\Roaming\SPB_Data\.conda\envs\py39\lib\encodings\", line 23, in decode
    return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0]
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 5410: character maps to <undefined>

This error is fixed if you do: LONG_DESCRIPTION = open('', encoding="utf8").read()

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

All right, finally:


So, the problem was that some updates were missing and Anaconda was messing up with the environments in my notebook... I guess the whole installation became a bit trickier than simply using pip. Perhaps, it would be nice to have a new release for the pip repo.

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

Cool that you figured it out. I'll try to update on pip when I have some time.

BastienTr commented 3 years ago

Just to let you know that pip should be updated to include Gray coding @edsonportosilva

edsonportosilva commented 3 years ago

Just to let you know that pip should be updated to include Gray coding @edsonportosilva

Thanks, @BastienTr! Right on time. I have just started teaching a course this semester where I plan to use Commpy, and pip will ease the way for the students to install it.