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HyPhy: Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies
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Error:Failed to dereference #1638

Closed kfuku52 closed 11 months ago

kfuku52 commented 11 months ago

Hello, I installed HyPhy v2.5.50 on macOS via bioconda and utilized (latest on GitHub) to calculate local dN/dS values across branches on a small tree. However, I encountered an error. I'd greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions on this issue.

Input data:


hyphy ENV="USE_MEMORY_SAVING_DATA_STRUCTURES=1e8;" --alignment ${aln} --tree ${tre} --type local


Error:Failed to dereference 'Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT2G26580_1.{
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide A to nucleotide C":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_AC",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide A to nucleotide G":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_AG",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide A to nucleotide T":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_AT",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide C to nucleotide G":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_CG",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide C to nucleotide T":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_CT",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide G to nucleotide T":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_GT"
   "non-synonymous rate":"beta",
   "synonymous rate":"alpha"
Failed to dereference 'Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT2G26580_1.{
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide A to nucleotide C":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_AC",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide A to nucleotide G":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_AG",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide A to nucleotide T":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_AT",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide C to nucleotide G":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_CG",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide C to nucleotide T":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_CT",
   "Substitution rate from nucleotide G to nucleotide T":"OWEySrWK.model_MGREV.theta_GT"
   "non-synonymous rate":"beta",
   "synonymous rate":"alpha"
spond commented 11 months ago

Dear @kfuku52,

I updated very recently, but I forgot to bump the HyPhy version requirement. Try with the latest (2.5.52):

hyphy --alignment ${aln} --tree ${tre} --type local

### Obtaining branch lengths and nucleotide substitution biases under the nucleotide GTR model

>kill-zero-lengths –> Yes
* Log(L) = -8477.30, AIC-c = 17036.86 (41 estimated parameters)
* 1 partition. Total tree length by partition (subs/site)  4.449

### Fitting Standard MG94
* Log(L) = -8011.66, AIC-c = 16186.37 (80 estimated parameters)

### Estimating confidence intervals for dN/dS along each branch

|            Branch            |     Length     |     dN/dS      |Approximate dN/dS CI|
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT2G26...|     0.011      |     0.609      |   0.099 - 1.633    |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0004...|     0.078      |     0.071      |   0.026 - 0.146    |
|             n48              |     0.101      |     3.532      |   2.336 - 5.047    |
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT1G08...|     0.088      |     0.075      |   0.027 - 0.150    |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0001...|     0.012      |10000000000.0...|0.000 - 10000.000...|
|             n51              |     0.273      |     0.177      |   0.120 - 0.249    |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_26...|     0.383      |     0.143      |   0.101 - 0.194    |
|             n54              |     0.296      |     0.071      |   0.035 - 0.118    |
|             n57              |     0.222      |     0.111      |   0.048 - 0.190    |
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT1G23...|     0.046      |     0.019      |   0.000 - 0.098    |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0001...|     0.018      |    850.821     |425.157 - 1472.45...|
|             n63              |    1377.208    |     0.000      |   0.000 - 0.000    |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_0_...|     0.617      |     0.392      |   0.322 - 0.473    |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_8_...|     0.163      |     0.099      |   0.051 - 0.162    |
|             n18              |     0.087      |     0.160      |   0.060 - 0.295    |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_26...|     0.242      |     0.228      |   0.166 - 0.304    |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_76...|     0.069      |10000000000.0...|0.000 - 10000.000...|
|             n21              |     0.184      |     0.237      |   0.155 - 0.338    |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_74...|     0.197      |     0.214      |   0.148 - 0.294    |
|             n24              |     0.102      |     0.213      |   0.112 - 0.346    |
|             n27              |     0.109      |     0.076      |   0.008 - 0.169    |
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT4G00...|     0.023      |     0.425      |   0.164 - 0.832    |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0006...|     0.056      |     0.097      |   0.038 - 0.191    |
|             n30              |     0.169      |     0.171      |   0.105 - 0.255    |
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT1G69...|     0.009      |     3.714      |   1.171 - 8.340    |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0002...|     0.069      |     0.003      |   0.000 - 0.045    |
|             n33              |     0.679      |     0.406      |   0.332 - 0.495    |
|             n36              |     0.022      |10000000000.0...|0.000 - 10000.000...|
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0004...|     0.035      |     0.143      |   0.052 - 0.291    |
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT2G45...|     0.021      |     0.951      |   0.450 - 1.706    |
|             n39              |     0.252      |     0.147      |   0.103 - 0.202    |
|             n42              |     0.030      |10000000000.0...|0.000 - 10000.000...|
|             n45              |     0.379      |     0.108      |   0.067 - 0.157    |

### **Synonymous tree** 

### **Non-synonymous tree** 
**Combined tree** 

### Writing detailed analysis report to `/Users/sergei/Development/hyphy-analyses/FitMG94/hyphy_input/alignment.fa.FITTER.json'

Best, Sergei

spond commented 11 months ago

P.S. With the newer version you can also apply --lrt Yes to do branch-by-branch tests...

hyphy --alignment ${aln} --tree ${tre} --type local --lrt Yes

### Running the likelihood ratio tests for dN/dS=1 and estimating confidence intervals for dN/dS along each branch

|            Branch            |     Length     |     dN/dS      |Approximate dN/dS CI|LRT p-value dN != dS|
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT2G26...|     0.011      |     0.611      |   0.100 - 1.640    |       0.1773       |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0004...|     0.078      |     0.071      |   0.026 - 0.146    |       0.0013       |
|             n48              |     0.102      |     3.399      |   2.248 - 4.858    |       0.1687       |
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT1G08...|     0.088      |     0.075      |   0.027 - 0.150    |       0.0057       |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0001...|     0.012      |10000000000.0...|0.000 - 10000.000...|       0.6953       |
|             n51              |     0.272      |     0.177      |   0.120 - 0.249    |       0.0725       |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_26...|     0.383      |     0.143      |   0.101 - 0.194    |       0.0031       |
|             n54              |     0.296      |     0.071      |   0.035 - 0.118    |       0.0532       |
|             n57              |     0.221      |     0.111      |   0.048 - 0.191    |       0.5028       |
|Arabidopsis_thaliana_AT1G23...|     0.046      |     0.019      |   0.000 - 0.098    |       0.0297       |
|Capsella_rubella_Carub_0001...|     0.018      |10000000000.0...|0.000 - 10000.000...|       0.8271       |
|             n63              |    1376.788    |     0.000      |   0.000 - 0.000    |       0.0001       |
|Utricularia_gibba_unitig_0_...|     0.617      |     0.391      |   0.322 - 0.473    |       0.0009       |
kfuku52 commented 11 months ago

Thank you for the clarification! I'll give the latest version a try.