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HyPhy: Hypothesis testing using Phylogenies
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aBSREL Corrected p-value is 0 #1689

Closed lmnano closed 4 months ago

lmnano commented 4 months ago

Dear Sergei,

I have a question about aBSREL results as well. Is there a special meaning to the Corrected p-value, if it is 0, or does that just mean it was so small, it got rounded to zero?

I'm asking because of the case of it being 1, where it means there was insufficient evidence to warrant testing. I didn't find any mention of this in the Understanding the content of HyPhy’s JSON output files pdf or anywhere else.

spond commented 4 months ago

Dear @lmnano,

You should only see a zero there if the p-value is so small that it underflows. Technically, all this means is that the value is smaller than the smallest number that can be represented by a double-precision floating point number (~2.23×10−308).

$hyphy -c 
% LRT = 10, df = 1
1-CChi2 (10,1)
% LRT = 200, df = 1
1-CChi2 (200,1)

Best, Sergei

lmnano commented 4 months ago

Ok, thank you, that's what I thought.