veg / phylotree.js

Interactive viewer of phylogenetic trees
MIT License
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General purpose ASR viewer #315

Open NatJWalker-Hale opened 3 years ago

NatJWalker-Hale commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,

Thank you very much for such a flexible and powerful library!

I'm interested in developing a web app for general-purpose ancestral sequence reconstruction results visualisation, inspired by the ancestral sequence structural viewer example. Ideally, I would like selecting a branch to pull up an alignment of the inferred ancestral and descendant sequences of that branch, then highlight substitutions in that alignment. I realise this is not something within the core functionality of the library, and presume I would need a Javascript alignment viewer (e.g. MSAViewer or similar). But I wondered if you might have any leads or suggestions to go about it, or know if anyone has already built this functionality with phylotree.js?

Thanks so much for your help!



stephenshank commented 3 years ago

Dear @NatJWalker-Hale,

This is a neat idea and it creates some interesting use cases for our tools. I've started work on it, and will use our lab's alignment viewer:

and either this repo or the associated React component:

Best, Stephen

NatJWalker-Hale commented 3 years ago

Dear @stephenshank,

That's fantastic, thanks so much for taking it on board! I'm just about useless at JavaScript, but if there's absolutely any way I can help, please let me know.

Best, Nat