veg / phylotree.js

Interactive viewer of phylogenetic trees
MIT License
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Load a specific branch #348

Open IgnatG opened 3 years ago

IgnatG commented 3 years ago

Does anyone know if it's possible to load only a part of the tree?

See below an example where I have the full tree loaded by default. I was wondering if there is a way to load only the tree on the right-hand-side (which is a specific part of the original one)


stephenshank commented 3 years ago

Dear @IgnatG,

As far as I know, this functionality does not exist in phylotree.js at present. There seems to be a function to do this in ETE3:

Let's keep this issue open since this would definitely be useful to have and others may want to chime in. Thanks for pointing out an interesting feature!

Best, Stephen

spond commented 3 years ago

Dear @IgnatG,

When you say

to load only the tree on the right-hand-side

do you mean

  1. Load the entire tree, display only a substree
  2. Load only the subtree, ie. ignore the rest of the tree when the Newick string is parsed

Best, Sergei

stephenshank commented 3 years ago

Dear @IgnatG,

Also it definitely could be done. Perhaps by programmatically hiding, see the following functionality which is part of the default user interface. I just meant that there is no equivalent function to ETE3's to do this immediately at the moment.


Best, Stephen

IgnatG commented 3 years ago

Dear @spond,

Ideally, it would be option 2 to avoid having to load the entire tree. But option 1 is fine as well. I don't have a personal preference as long as it achieves the goal.

My scenario is as follows: I have a newick tree saved in a variable (or file). It's a big tree so I don't want to look at the whole thing at once, but rather only on specific parts/branches at a time. This example helps as it has 2 coloured clusters:

Screenshot 2021-04-19 at 14 46 40

In this case, I'd want to look first at Cluster 1 only - so only this one would be visible at a time. But I should be able to look at Cluster 2 as well if I need to (but again, only this one would be visible). Or, I should be able to go back to see the entire tree if needed.

Let me know if this helps.

Best wishes, Gabriel

IgnatG commented 3 years ago

Dear @stephenshank ,

Yes, this is what I'm doing now. I'm actually doing it in the code as well through tree.delete_a_node(node) and it hides the branch as expected.

I was just curious to see if there is a better way of doing it as sometimes I could have multiple branches that need hiding. Of course, this can be achieved through a loop, but that's a back-up plan

Thank you for your help though!

Best wishes, Gabriel