veg / phylotree.js

Interactive viewer of phylogenetic trees
MIT License
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Documentation link #382

Open davidemms opened 3 years ago

davidemms commented 3 years ago


Many thanks on developing such a great tool! Would it be possible for someone to to point me towards some documentation? On google the top hit I get is to here but the site appears to be down. I've managed to get access to some of the cached pages on google and they're really helpful, but I can't access all of them. There seems to be a lot more info than I can find on the github page. Even if it's a bit out of date it would be very useful, I'm a bit stuck at the moment.

Best wishes David

stevenweaver commented 3 years ago

Dear @davidemms,

The documentation was consolidated to the file on Github. What exactly is missing that didn't make the migration?

Also, please feel free to let us know what you are stuck on and we might be able to help.

Best, Steven

davidemms commented 3 years ago

Hi Steven

I was just trying to figure out how to update the display properties of the tree (got it now), so for example I wanted to change the colour of one particular gene. I might have missed it but I couldn't find info on how to use the "render" method on the PhyloTree class. Also what 'node-styler' function should do, e.g. that I needed to get to the gene name using Is there documentation online for these aspects?

Thanks very much for the offer of help, I'll ask if I get stuck again. And thanks again for the releasing this for everyone to use, it's a really nice tree viewer!

All the best David