vega / altair

Declarative visualization library for Python
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Strip Plot with Jitter example is broken for HTML #3321

Open tbenst opened 10 months ago

tbenst commented 10 months ago

For this example:

mimetype works, HTML backend does not. I think this is either a bug, or should be documented on the example page.

Tested using VSCode Interactive Python.

import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
alt.renderers.enable('mimetype') # delete this to break plot
source = data.movies.url

gaussian_jitter = alt.Chart(source, title='Normally distributed jitter').mark_circle(size=8).encode(
    color=alt.Color('Major_Genre:N', legend=None)
    # Generate Gaussian jitter with a Box-Muller transform

uniform_jitter = gaussian_jitter.transform_calculate(
    # Generate uniform jitter
    y=alt.Y('Major_Genre:N', axis=None)
    title='Uniformly distributed jitter'

(gaussian_jitter | uniform_jitter).resolve_scale(yOffset='independent')

mime jitter

joelostblom commented 10 months ago

I just tried this in both VS Code 1.86.0-insider and jupyterlab 4. For me it works fine with the HTML renderer in both environments. Could you try updating VS code to see if the problem goes away (or report which version of VSCode and Altair you see the issue with?)

tbenst commented 10 months ago

Thanks kindly for checking!

altair                   5.2.0
macOS 13.4

VSCode version:
Version: 1.85.2
Commit: 8b3775030ed1a69b13e4f4c628c612102e30a681
Date: 2024-01-18T06:40:11.430Z (1 wk ago)

Edit: I just realized that the issue only occurs when using remote-ssh, in my case to a headless Linux machine. otherwise, the plot comes through fine. Also, the plot still saves to file correctly so it's exclusively a remote-ssh display issue

joelostblom commented 10 months ago

Edit: I just realized that the issue only occurs when using remote-ssh, in my case to a headless Linux machine. otherwise, the plot comes through fine. Also, the plot still saves to file correctly so it's exclusively a remote-ssh display issue

Interesting, unfortunately I have don't have a good sense for why remote-ssh would impact just the chart transformations and not the display.

binste commented 10 months ago

Could you try to:

  1. Clear all cell outputs in the notebook
  2. Restart the kernel
  3. Reload VS Code
  4. Run again the cell

Or try it in a new notebook. Maybe an old version of Vega-Lite is still loaded from some other cell in that same notebook?