vega / vega

A visualization grammar.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Tooltip hover not working properly on Windows PC - Vega 4.2.0 #1925

Closed KaylaKremer closed 5 years ago

KaylaKremer commented 5 years ago


My team and I are using Vega 4.2.0 (We would prefer not to upgrade to the latest version as it may break other parts of our app) and are encountering odd behavior with the tooltip only on Windows PC. For the bar charts, the tooltip does not correlate with where the user hovers the cursor. And for the line charts, the hover does not appear at all over the points.

Screenshots: tooltip1 tooltip2

We have tested on different Windows and Mac computers and in the following browsers with these specs:

The results seem consistent in that only Windows PCs experience this issue and it occurs in all browsers.

We have a test build, which you can use to reproduce the issue with here:

To replicate:

  1. Click on the pencil icon in the right panel.
  2. Click on the Start Drawing orange button.
  3. Draw a shape anywhere there's land on the map (shape must have a minimum of 3 points (triangle) to close. Double-click to close.)
  4. Select an analysis from the dropdown in the left panel.
  5. Click on Print Report button.
  6. The report view will generate Vega Charts for each analysis (some might fail or take some time to generate).
  7. Hover over the bars in CO2 EMISSIONS FROM BIOMASS LOSS or the points in GLAD ALERTS PER MONTH (other bar charts appear slightly off as well).

For our Vega specs, here is the API call for the CO2 EMISSIONS FROM BIOMASS LOSS bar chart as an example:,2018-12-31&thresh=30&geostore=277e65fb0fbf5c6fb8f73143e559fc38& All of the specs for our charts are set up in a similar manner. We also add in {"type": "fit", "resize": true} and a signal to override the width:

          name: "width",
          update: "containerSize()[0]*0.95",
          value: "",
          on: [
              events: {
                source: "window",
                type: "resize"
              update: "containerSize()[0]*0.95"

My team and I appreciate any assistance or suggestions on how to fix this bug. Thanks!

roying commented 5 years ago

Tooltip appears to work properly in bar and line charts on my Microsoft Windows computers.

Tested on:


richardbarad commented 5 years ago

@roying. Thanks for your feedback on this and for investigating this! I work with @KaylaKremer on this project.

To clarify, the issue is only present when you load the widgets in an analysis report and is not present when you load the widget in the analysis panel. The workflow for loading the report is:

  1. Click on the pencil icon in the right panel.
  2. Click on the Start Drawing orange button.
  3. Draw a shape anywhere there's land on the map (shape must have a minimum of 3 points (triangle) to close. Double-click to close.)
  4. Select an analysis from the dropdown in the left panel. 5. Click on Print Report button.
  5. The report view will generate Vega Charts for each analysis (some might fail or take some time to generate).
  6. Hover over the bars in CO2 EMISSIONS FROM BIOMASS LOSS or the points in GLAD ALERTS PER MONTH (other bar charts appear slightly off as well).

I believe you may have missed step 5 highlighted above.

I am also attaching a video to help you replicate the workflow. To clarify, in the report we add a signal to dynamically resize the width so that it is wider when rendering inside the report. When we render the widget in the analysis panel as you did above we do not modify the width signal. Thus, the bug seems to be created by resizing the widget. The workflow we use for resizing the widget is documented in @KaylaKremer comment above!

Let me know if you need additional information from our side!



roying commented 5 years ago

Chrome debug console shows Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) errors and Vega errors. Try to resolve the CORS issue first.


richardbarad commented 5 years ago

@roying. Thank you for reviewing this and for providing your comments! I believe the VEGA and CORS errors you were seeing were caused by an issue with one of the urls used in the vega widget which returns the data used in the visualization. The analysis url we use was not returning a response and thus the request failed. I saw the same issue yesterday, but just checked again and it is working now. If you are still having issues could you try analyzing a smaller area? Analyzing a large area will often return errors.

Please note that the error above were for a different widget (The Tree Cover Loss / Gain & ANNUAL TREE COVER LOSS) which are the first and second widgets in the report. I do not think the errors should have implications on the widgets mentioned above (CO2 EMISSIONS FROM BIOMASS LOSS or the points in GLAD ALERTS PER MONTH).

Hope this clarifies things, and thank you very much for your support. I can also send you a link to the Visualization in the Vega editor if that will troubleshoot!



roying commented 5 years ago

Vega tooltip works in the horizontal bar charts in this page (on my Windows computer with Chrome browser), so the issue is not likely due to a Vega bug with tooltip or with Microsoft Windows.


By the way, it appears your are using Vega 4.2.0 and not v3.0.7 as stated in the title:

loadjsfile('', { charset: 'UTF-8' });

KaylaKremer commented 5 years ago

@roying ,

Thank you for looking into this! And apologies for mentioning the wrong Vega version. I was under the impression we were using 3.0.7 since that is what we have listed in our package.json. But you are right, it appears we are indeed using 4.2.0. I will update the issue title to reflect the correct version.

I also should have been more specific and said that the tooltip issue appears for vertical bar charts and line charts. The horizontal bar charts don't seem affected as we do not resize the charts' heights, only their widths.

roying commented 5 years ago

Could you provide the Vega specs, example data and code used in resizing?

KaylaKremer commented 5 years ago

Hi @roying ,

Thank you for your reply.

I have all of the specs we used mentioned in my original post:

For our Vega specs, here is the API call for the CO2 EMISSIONS FROM BIOMASS LOSS bar chart as an example:,2018-12-31&thresh=30&geostore=277e65fb0fbf5c6fb8f73143e559fc38& All of the specs for our charts are set up in a similar manner.

We also add in {"type": "fit", "resize": true} and a signal to override the width:

          name: "width",
          update: "containerSize()[0]*0.95",
          value: "",
          on: [
              events: {
                source: "window",
                type: "resize"
              update: "containerSize()[0]*0.95"

The final config comes out looking like this:

Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 3 23 16 PM

I'm using the CO2 EMISSIONS FROM BIOLOSS as the example data.

The code used to resize the chart uses React Measure

Here is a screenshot of how we manually add in the autosize & width signal to what's returned from the API call:

Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 3 28 28 PM

And how we implement React Measure:

Screen Shot 2019-08-20 at 3 25 36 PM

richardbarad commented 5 years ago

@roying. Also here is a link to the VEGA chart for biomass in the VEGA editor. I grabbed the widget configuration from the url @KaylaKremer shared and copied it into the editor. This is the configuration prior to applying the autosize and width signal which Kayla showed above.

roying commented 5 years ago

Could you provide complete Vega spec for the line chart (GLAD ALERTS PER MONTH)?

jheer commented 5 years ago

Thank you @roying for helping to investigate this issue! It is much appreciated. πŸ‘

I do not have easy access to a Windows environment so I'm afraid I can't be of much help for the time being, but I will monitor this issue.

richardbarad commented 5 years ago

@roying. Here is a link to the Vega Spec for the line chart. We also apply the resize width signal to this chart in our report and this seems to be what causes issues with the tooltip.

Thank you for your support!

roying commented 5 years ago

Found something interesting.

For "Print Report", .css file is:

including styles for DOM elements for Vega chart:

.vega-chart > canvas { max-width: 60rem; width: 100%; margin: 1rem auto; } .vega-chart-bar-container { max-width: 60rem; width: 100%; margin: 1rem auto; } .vega-chart-line-container { max-width: 60rem; width: 100%; margin: 1rem auto; } .vega-chart-badge-container { max-width: 30rem; width: 100%; margin: 1rem auto; } .vega-chart-pie-container { max-width: 290px; width: 100%; margin: 1rem auto; }

In Microsoft Windows computer Chrome browser at normal font size of 100%, the rendered Vega chart has div width of 960 and canvas width of 922 pixels (with issue of Vega tooltips for line chart not appearing when mouse is hovering over symbols).

But when the browser font size is increased to 400%, lo and behold, Vega toolips appear for the line chart and positioned correctly for the vertical bar chart. The rendered chart has div width of 251 and canvas width of 249 pixels.

To find a solution or workaround, try:

  1. Use "svg" instead of "canvas" with Vega.
  2. Change the css style parameters (e.g. remove "max-width")






roying commented 5 years ago

Further testing on effect of changing browser font size zoom level:

Windows 7 (32-bit)

Windows 10 (64-bit)

roying commented 5 years ago

Here is a complete working example (html, javascript and Vega spec) using similar css style and Vega spec as the line chart. Vega chart appears to work properly with tooltips (at browser default zoom level of 100% in Microsoft Windows computer).


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<script src=""></script>
    <div style="border:1px solid green; width:100%; margin:1rem auto;">
        <div id="vis" style="border:1px dotted red; width:100%; max-width:60rem; margin:1rem auto;">

var vega_spec = 
    "$schema": "",

    "width": 400,

    "height": 250,
    "background": "beige",
    "padding": 10,

    "autosize": {   "type": "fit",
                    "contains": "padding",
                    "resize": true

    "signals": [

    {   "name": "width", 
        "value": "",
        "update": "containerSize()[0] * 0.95", 
        "on": [ 
                {   "events": { "source": "window", 
                                "type": "resize" 
                    "update": "containerSize()[0] * 0.95"

      "name": "language",
      "value": "en",
      "bind": {
        "input": "hidden",
        "name":" ",
        "options": [
      "name": "ylabel",
      "value": "Years",
      "update": "if(language=='en','Number of Alerts', if(language=='fr','Nombre d’alertes',if(language=='es','NΓΊmero de alertas',if(language=='pt','NΓΊmero de alertas',if(language=='ka','Number of Alerts',if(language=='zh','钄警欑数','Jumlah Peringatan'))))))"
      "name": "xlabel",
      "value": "Month",
      "update": "if(language=='en','Month', if(language=='fr','Mois',if(language=='es','Meses',if(language=='pt','Meses',if(language=='ka','αƒ—αƒ•αƒ”αƒ”αƒ‘αƒ˜',if(language=='zh','月份','Bulan'))))))"
        "data": [
            "name": "data",
            "format": {
              "property": "data.attributes.value"
            "url": ",2019-12-31&aggregate_values=true&aggregate_by=month&geostore=5df84c1c1a60417a6bbb65e05868ce1d",
            "transform": [
                "type": "formula",
                "as": "month",
                "expr": "datum.month - 1"
                "type": "impute",
                "groupby": [
                "keyvals": [
                "key": "month",
                "field": "count",
                "method": "value",
                "value": 0
                "type": "collect",
                "sort": {
                  "field": [
                "type": "formula",
                "as": "date",
                "expr": "datetime(datum.year, datum.month)"
                "type": "filter",
                "expr": " < datetime(2019, 7)"
            "name": "months",
            "values": [
                "en": "Jan",
                "fr": "Janv.",
                "pt": "Jan.",
                "es": "Ene.",
                "ka": "αƒ˜αƒαƒœ.",
                "zh": "δΈ€ζœˆ",
                "id": "Jan."
                "en": "Feb",
                "fr": "FΓ©v.",
                "pt": "Fev.",
                "es": "Feb.",
                "ka": "თებ.",
                "zh": "二月",
                "id": "Feb."
                "en": "Mar",
                "fr": "Mars",
                "pt": "Mar.",
                "es": "Mar.",
                "ka": "მარ.",
                "zh": "δΈ‰ζœˆ",
                "id": "Mar."
                "en": "Apr",
                "fr": "Avril",
                "pt": "Abr.",
                "es": "Abr.",
                "ka": "αƒαƒžαƒ .",
                "zh": "ε››ζœˆ",
                "id": "Apr."
                "en": "May",
                "fr": "Mai",
                "pt": "Mai",
                "es": "Mayo",
                "ka": "αƒ›αƒαƒ˜αƒ‘.",
                "zh": "δΊ”ζœˆ",
                "id": "Mei"
                "en": "Jun",
                "fr": "Juin",
                "pt": "Jun.",
                "es": "Jun.",
                "ka": "αƒ˜αƒ•αƒœ.",
                "zh": "ε…­ζœˆ",
                "id": "Jun"
                "en": "Jul",
                "fr": "Juil.",
                "pt": "Jul.",
                "es": "Jul.",
                "ka": "αƒ˜αƒ•αƒš.",
                "zh": "δΈƒζœˆ",
                "id": "Jul"
                "en": "Aug",
                "fr": "AoΓ»t",
                "pt": "Ago.",
                "es": "Ago.",
                "ka": "აგვ.",
                "zh": "ε…«ζœˆ",
                "id": "Agu."
                "en": "Sep",
                "fr": "Sept.",
                "pt": "Set.",
                "es": "Sept.",
                "ka": "ბეαƒ₯.",
                "zh": "九月",
                "id": "Sep."
                "en": "Oct",
                "fr": "Oct.",
                "pt": "Out.",
                "es": "Oct.",
                "ka": "ოαƒ₯αƒ’.",
                "zh": "十月",
                "id": "Okt."
                "en": "Nov",
                "fr": "Nov.",
                "pt": "Nov.",
                "es": "Nov.",
                "ka": "αƒœαƒαƒ”.",
                "zh": "εδΈ€ζœˆ",
                "id": "Nov."
                "en": "Dec",
                "fr": "DΓ©c.",
                "pt": "Dez.",
                "es": "Dic.",
                "ka": "დეკ.",
                "zh": "十二月",
                "id": "Des."
            "name": "lookup",
            "values": [
                "hex": "#d8d8d8",
                "year": "2015"
                "hex": "#aaaaaa",
                "year": "2016"
                "hex": "#8A8A8A",
                "year": "2017"
                "hex": "#fc92f7",
                "year": "2018"
                "hex": "#ed07e1",
                "year": "2019"
            "name": "table_viz",
            "source": "data",
            "transform": [
                "type": "lookup",
                "from": "lookup",
                "key": "year",
                "fields": [
                "values": [
                "type": "lookup",
                "from": "months",
                "key": "month",
                "fields": [
                "values": [
        "scales": [
            "name": "x",
            "type": "point",
            "padding": 0.3,
            "range": "width",
            "domain": {
              "data": "table_viz",
              "field": "month_name"
            "name": "y",
            "type": "linear",
            "range": "height",
            "domain": {
              "data": "data",
              "field": "count"
            "name": "color",
            "type": "ordinal",
            "domain": {
              "data": "table_viz",
              "field": "year"
            "range": {
              "data": "table_viz",
              "field": "hex"
        "axes": [
            "title": {"signal":"xlabel"},
            "orient": "bottom",
            "scale": "x",
            "labelBound": true,
            "labelAngle": -90,
            "labelAlign": "right",
            "title": {"signal":"ylabel"},
            "orient": "left",
            "scale": "y",
            "format": ",.0f"
        "marks": [
            "type": "group",
            "from": {
              "facet": {
                "name": "series",
                "data": "table_viz",
                "groupby": "year"
            "marks": [
                "type": "line",
                "from": {
                  "data": "series"
                "encode": {
                  "enter": {
                    "x": {
                      "scale": "x",
                      "field": "month_name"
                    "y": {
                      "scale": "y",
                      "field": "count"
                    "strokeWidth": {
                      "value": 0.6
                    "interpolate": {
                      "value": "linear"
                    "strokeOpacity": {
                      "value": 1
                    "stroke": {
                      "scale": "color",
                      "field": "year"
                "type": "symbol",
                "from": {
                  "data": "table_viz"
                "encode": {
                  "enter": {
                    "x": {
                      "scale": "x",
                      "field": "month_name"
                    "y": {
                      "scale": "y",
                      "field": "count"
                    "fill": {
                      "scale": "color",
                      "field": "year"
                    "size": {
                      "value": 13
                    "tooltip": [
                        "signal": "if(language=='en',datum.count + ' alerts in ' + datum.month_name + ' ' + datum.year, if(language=='fr',datum.count + ' alertes en ' + datum.month_name + ' ' + datum.year,if(language=='es',datum.count + ' Alertas en ' + datum.month_name + ' ' + datum.year,if(language=='pt',datum.count + ' Alertas em ' + datum.month_name + ' ' + datum.year,if(language=='ka',datum.count + ' αƒ¨αƒ”αƒ’αƒ§αƒαƒ‘αƒ˜αƒœαƒ”αƒ‘αƒ”αƒ‘αƒ˜ αƒ¨αƒ”αƒ›αƒαƒ‘αƒ£αƒšαƒ˜ ' + datum.month_name + ' ' + datum.year,if(language=='zh',datum.count + ' 提醒 ' + datum.month_name + ' ' + datum.year, datum.count + ' Lansiran di ' + datum.month_name + ' ' + datum.year))))))"
        "legends": [
            "fill": "color",
            "orient": "bottom",
            "columnPadding": 25,
            "direction": "horizontal",
            "titleFontSize": 11,
            "labelFontSize": 10,
            "symbolOpacity": 0.6

var vegaRuntime = vega.parse(vega_spec);

var vegaView = new vega.View(vegaRuntime)

roying commented 5 years ago

This article discusses the effects of using rem units instead of pixels. This may explain why the issue (Vega tooltips not appearing in line chart after resizing window) is observed only in Windows computers:

In Windows, a user can change his DPI scaling settings to something above 100%, which is very similar to the CSS reference pixel in the browser.

If you change your preference in Microsoft Windows to scale the user interface of the Operating System, all applications including your Browser will receive this DPI scale information and will apply a default Zoom which is magnification and not text zoom.

R.I.P. REM, Viva CSS Reference Pixel!

KaylaKremer commented 5 years ago

@roying ,

Thank you so much for taking the time to look into this for us! Your first suggestion of changing Vega to use svg instead of canvas did the trick. But it's very good to know about the effects of rem units on Windows computers too. We will definitely keep this in mind if we encounter any other issues with the tooltips.

Again, we really appreciate your help with figuring this out! I'll go ahead and close this issue out.