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pairwise comparison in adonis gives the same p-value #339

Closed Puumanamana closed 2 years ago

Puumanamana commented 4 years ago


I'm using permanova tests to evaluate the significance of a given factor in my dataset. Everything runs but I get surprising results, and I'm wondering if it's correct or if there could potentially be an issue with either the package or with the data itself.

Using adonis, I was able to test that my factor ("color") was significant. However, I want to have more details about the significance and compare each pair of levels: For example, I want to test whether the sample in the "Red" color group are statistically different from the samples in the "Purple" color group.

To do that, I extract from my data all samples corresponding to 2 given colors, and I run adonis on the subset:

condition1 <- (metadata$color == 'Blue') | (metadata$color == 'Purple')
adonis(otu_table[condition1, ] ~ metadata$color[condition1], perm=50)

condition2 <- (metadata$color == 'Blue') | (metadata$color == 'Red')
adonis(otu_table[condition2, ] ~ metadata$color[condition2], perm=50)

condition3 <- (metadata$color == 'Red') | (metadata$color == 'Purple')
adonis(otu_table[condition3, ] ~ metadata$color[condition3], perm=50)

My problem is that for all 3 comparisons, I get exactly the same p-value, 0.01961 (everything else is different: R2, F.model, ...). It looks very suspicious to me since I'm comparing different sample groups. Do you have an idea what could cause this issue? I also tried the pairwise.adonis() package to do these pairwise comparisons but I got the same problem (and exactly the same p-value).

Thank you for your help

klv501 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am also having this problem, I have two factors, and when I subset so that I have data with only one level for one of the factors and then test for significant differences between the other factor levels, I always get the same (insignificant) p-value no matter which subset of different data I am using. The further odd thing is that the overall adonis test was highly significant in the first place and all the pairwise comparisons come out as insignificant.

Have you had any luck solving your problem?

jarioksa commented 3 years ago

We haven't found anything reproducible here and therefore nothing has happened (neither any signs of problems).

What is obvious in the original post is that there are only 50 permutations, and none of these was better than the observed in any of these models. The smallest possible P-value is 1/(nperm+1) which for nperm=50 is 1/51 = 0.01960784. It may be that with higher number of permutations you may get different P-values. Try with permutations = 999, for instance.

klv501 commented 3 years ago

Hi Jarioksa,

Thanks for your comment, I have been running it with 999 permutations and have just noticed that I get the following message when I run it: 'nperm' >= set of all permutations: complete enumeration. Set of permutations < 'minperm'. Generating entire set. (this is repeated three times - probably for each pairwise comparison). My sample size is very small (9 in total with 3 replicates per level) because I had to subset to avoid other problems. Do you know if this warning message could be causing my strange p-values and is it because of my sample size? Thanks!

gavinsimpson commented 3 years ago

@klv501 Those aren't warnings, they're messages from the software telling you that i) the number of possible permutations of the data is fewer than the requested 999 permutations, and ii) that the number of possible permutations is smaller than the minperm argument. In both cases the result is that we generate the complete set of permutations of the data and use all of them to assess the results. With so few permutations, it is better to do an exact test rather than generate random permutations as many of the randomly generated permutations would be the same permutation. It is wasteful to do this randomly.

It may well be that a permutation test for a single pair of values has lower power than the omnibus test over all levels, because there are fewer permutations of the smaller subset of data involved in the pair being compared.

In a sense, this is one of the negatives of using permutation-based tests.

klv501 commented 3 years ago

@gavinsimpson Thanks for your reply, I think that my small sample size from sub-setting is definitely the issue. Sorry, i'm very new to this type of multivariate analysis - would you be able to recommend an exact test for this as you mention? I don't believe that a MANOVA would be appropriate as I have many OTUs (dependent variables), many with 0 relative abundance values. Thanks!

Puumanamana commented 3 years ago

@jarioksa Thank you. I actually tried many values for nperm (if think up to 1000 or more), and the p-values were always the same. The reason is (I think) that my groups are really homogeneous and any permutations yielded a worse score than the original order.

jarioksa commented 3 years ago

It is not rare to get the lowest possible P-value in permutation tests. When people use 999 permutations and get P = 0.001, they easily accept this. If the number of permutations +1 is less even, they are alerted for the strange values. So 1000 permutations has a lower limit of 0.00099901 which seems to beg for an explanation. With small data sets – or reduced subsets of data – you are bound the get more often weird probabilities at the lower limit.

jarioksa commented 3 years ago

Another case with abundant ties in P-values is with factor predictors. We permute observations, but if predictor variable is a factor, many permutations give identical allocations to factor classes. In that case the number of distinct allocations can be much lower than the number of permutations. This concerns particularly models with one factor predictor – with several factors you already have more distinct combinations of factor levels.