I am using envfit to see how two factor variables fit to an ordination.
I see in different tutorials that with numerical variables you get one p-value per variable.
For the factor variables you only get one p-value per variable, but does this then mean that all the factor levels are significant?
I'm trying to only plot significant variables, but I'm a bit unsure how to interpret this, as I will get one arrow per factor level.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hello! I am using
to see how two factor variables fit to an ordination. I see in different tutorials that with numerical variables you get one p-value per variable. For the factor variables you only get one p-value per variable, but does this then mean that all the factor levels are significant? I'm trying to only plot significant variables, but I'm a bit unsure how to interpret this, as I will get one arrow per factor level. Any help is greatly appreciated!