vegaprotocol / community

Work related to Vega's community function
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Incentivized testnet strategy #10

Open aredehel opened 3 years ago

aredehel commented 3 years ago


We want to launch a series of initiatives that incentivizes participation on testnet. Examples of types of initiatives include but are not limited to:

tamlyn10 commented 3 years ago

A spreadsheet to add ideas to!

candida-d commented 3 years ago

One of the themes/ideas that we discussed (and that I really liked) for our 'marquee' PR incentive was Market Madness, a play on March Madness where people pick their favourite markets by trading on them, and then the markets with the most trading move onto the next round - until there is only one winner.

We didn't talk about what the incentives for taking part would be though. Maybe if you traded in the 'winning' market, you get tokens, and the earlier you traded in it, the more you win?

tamlyn10 commented 3 years ago

Hi crew, I've been thinking about whether for any games or comps we may want to use referral mechanics (traders love this) to incentivise activity on our testnet (not mainnet, which we are not able to do at all). Would love some feedback on the below.. am I thinking of things correctly? Is this something we should be considering or not worrying about?

Challenges/problems: It's not totally straightforward as I believe that to avoid sybil attacks, we would only want to give referral bonus' to people who have been identified as an individual, and their referees as separate individuals. This is fine for a CEX where people have registered accounts, but difficult on our permissionless testnet.

Using Twitter: We could use something like Zach's friend's if it were able to be extending to effectively link a Twitter account to a Vega wallet - I think? And we could also reward referrals for "referring" to an established DeFi trading identity? I'd need to understand how an Ethereum wallet and Ropsten wallet are related.

Using Registrations: If we do a hackathon or "game" where we require some kind of ID, we could use bonus' for increasing registrations.

Not using Vega tokens: We could also use Community "POP" tokens (not Vega tokens) to build kudos for referrals and they can be traded in for swag etc.

campbellssource commented 3 years ago

There is now a Pro-forma tab on the @tamlyn10's spreadsheet. With a field for each of the things we need to do define for each Event (it may not be a perfect list at the moment).