vegaprotocol / community

Work related to Vega's community function
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Community Governance group #13

Open aredehel opened 3 years ago

aredehel commented 3 years ago

A hugely important part of Vega's evolution will be the community's involvement in governance of the network.

Specifically, voting on governance proposals:

  1. New market proposals
  2. New asset proposals
  3. Changes to network parameters

We would love to get some community proposed markets and assets going through a healthly debate and decision making process. Ideas we've had are to create a template forum post that explains the market parameters and why it's a good / useful market. And then the Vega team and wider governance community group can/should engage. Note, we have a huge number of testnet tokens that we can distribute and "play with" to help make the voting feel real.

We'll soon have more information on the network parameters that drive a lot of the behaviour of the system and these are changeable by governance, so it would be great to develop norms around discussing this.

Anyone who is interested in picking this up and wants to chat about it, let me know!

Out of scope:

Background reading: