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Anti frontrunning / MEV industry group #17

Open tamlyn10 opened 3 years ago

tamlyn10 commented 3 years ago

Tedermint core coders, Sunny Aggarwal and Dev Ojha have worked on anti-frontrunning research (which Sunny presented at Cosmos Conversations). Klaus and myself had a chat with them and we cooked up a plan together to launch an industry working group to do a few different things:

We thought we'd start with 1 x meeting as a trial, end of Feb. The intent was for it to be mostly assembled through invitations directly to researchers working on this, in the first instance, but be an open webinar style (or even open meeting).

If anyone has any ideas please share!

candida-d commented 3 years ago

It would be great to have a monthly or quarterly report/review on what the group has worked on, that could be shared widely! I think it's an initiative a lot of people in the wider community would be interested to learn about.

ecdsafu commented 3 years ago

This sounds great, could have the group talk at Deconstructing Markets too.