vegaprotocol / frontend-monorepo

Toolkit for building apps that interact with Vega
MIT License
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SPIKE: Auto open (to onboard / connect) on load of the dapp #4431

Open ckpringle opened 11 months ago

ckpringle commented 11 months ago

When you open console, open the wallet Could be that if you connected once before, auto trigger it in the future


To establish what the unknowns are to achieve the story below.


As a Vega user I want connecting to my recently installed wallet to happen as quickly as possible So that I can get started on Console without having to think about or find the connect wallet button 

Acceptance Criteria 



This is about finding a way to join up the journey of installing the wallet and coming back to your console tab e.g. triggering it to open to onboard / connect

For Firefox if we can't force the pop up to open we can open in a new window the same size and position as the pop up instead.

To make that work we'd need Console to refresh or something, might be some weird trickery required.. unless something can be built into the wallet itself

Wallet could look at your tabs, tell you to refresh your console tab if you have one open? And that could trigger connecting... could we include something in the URL to auto find tabs in that state - could apply to any dapp so any dapp can hook in and join up to the onboarding flow


JonRay15 commented 10 months ago

@mattrussell36 I'm not sure if we are / shoudl be / want to do this ... lets discuss next week Doesnt seem to have come up in any of our plannig.

JonRay15 commented 10 months ago

This should presumably be @macqbat and @dexturr on this. Barney confirmed its pretty high priority for onboarding.