vegaprotocol / frontend-monorepo

Toolkit for building apps that interact with Vega
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Improve signposting of sharing a referral code from within the team page #6347

Open JonRay15 opened 2 weeks ago

JonRay15 commented 2 weeks ago

The Chore

We descoped a previous ticket #5746 because we felt that including referral benefits on a team wasnt appropriate because you dont actually gain those benefits by joining a team. You only gain those benefits if you join a REFERRAL SET and these are actually two different things:

message ApplyReferralCode {
  // Referral code, normally the referral set ID, for the party to join.
  string id = 1;

// Command that allows the submitter to join a team or change teams if they are already a member of a team.
message JoinTeam {
  // ID of the team to join, this is the same as the referral code used to generate the team.
  string id = 1;

Think we need to do a few things to make sure the signposting around all of this is optimal and that ppl are using the correct routes as much as possible for maximum benefit.

Acceptance Criteria

Team profile page


There are links to copy a page URL, and team owners might do this to steer ppl to join their team. We need to work out how to better signpost stuff here probably specifically for team owners. Do we try to send them to the referrals page to share it that way so they actually send a referral link rather than just a team? Do we include another button here that generates the referral link directly from this page? Do we need tooltips to explain this?

Referral page

The other potential case is I guess when someone shares a referral link to join their team but actually the person receiving it already is in a referral set so cant get these benefits. In that case we'd want them to still be able to join the team somehow .... so maybe we need the ability to apply the joinTeam TX directly ... or send them to the team profile page from the referral page in that specific case so they can continue?

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