vegaprotocol / frontend-monorepo

Toolkit for building apps that interact with Vega
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Update Console toasts to handle a wallet that is in autosigning mode #6351

Open JonRay15 opened 2 weeks ago

JonRay15 commented 2 weeks ago

The Chore

When you are in autosigning mode you get this brief toast up prompting the user to go to their wallet.


But in reality they dont need to cos its in autosigning mode and it quickly moves on.

In an ideal world it would be nice if Console could detect that the wallet is in autosigning mode and skip that initial toast so it goes straight to "awaiting confirmation" ... is this possible? Guess we would need the wallet to expose to Console the fact its in autosigning mode somehow?


Additional details / background info

New proposed text

First step

Waiting for approval Please approve or reject the transaction in your Vega wallet (not required if in auto-signing mode)

Second step

Confirming with network Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed