vegaprotocol / vega-monitoring

MVP to store more data for metrics
MIT License
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Add monitoring for secondary EVM events forwarded by validators #29

Open daniel1302 opened 1 month ago

daniel1302 commented 1 month ago


We determine how many Ethereum events have been forwarded by each validator in the last 10 days. If it is low we fire the alarm.


At the moment We do not split it by chain. We count all events from all the EVM chains. But We are going to add Arbitrum soon and We would like to see when validators have problems with their Ethereum and Arbitrum separately


ValentinTrinque commented 1 month ago

SQL request for the Grafana chart.

WITH chain_event_count AS (
  SELECT submitter, COUNT(*) AS count, last(vega_time, vega_time) AS last, attributes->>'source-chain-id' as chain_id
  FROM comet_txs
      command = 'Chain Event' AND attributes ? 'source-chain-id'
      vega_time >= NOW() - INTERVAL '10 days'
  GROUP BY submitter, attributes->>'source-chain-id'
  COALESCE(c.count, 0),
  CONCAT(, ' (', c.chain_id , ') ', ' [', COALESCE(TO_CHAR(c.last,'DD Mon HH24:MI'), '-'), ']') AS description
FROM validator_nodes n
LEFT JOIN chain_event_count c ON c.submitter = encode(n.vega_pub_key, 'hex')
ORDER BY description