Closed nzbaen closed 4 years ago
just pasting some investigation here:
Console is submitting:
curl '' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.5' --compressed -H 'Referer:' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'Origin:' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'TE: Trailers' --data-raw '{"operationName":"prepareProposal","variables":{"partyId":"aef0f72ec9fd2f1990e483ad51604268b5d701b24f3d46fac3f8dae3b4ae9449","proposalTerms":{"closingDatetime":"2020-08-26T15:53:30.300Z","enactmentDatetime":"2020-09-26T00:00:00.000Z","newMarket":{"decimalPlaces":5,"metadata":["take2"],"instrument":{"code":"2fdd696ac7787d98afcbc136d4cf17bc595f7c0c6d3bf57c0ceeb5184347b725/5/20.11.28","name":"DOM/IS/STILL/WRONG","baseName":"2fdd696ac7787d98afcbc136d4cf17bc595f7c0c6d3bf57c0ceeb5184347b725","quoteName":"5","futureProduct":{"maturity":"2020-11-28T00:00:00.000Z","asset":"2fdd696ac7787d98afcbc136d4cf17bc595f7c0c6d3bf57c0ceeb5184347b725"}},"riskParameters":{"logNormal":{"riskAversionParameter":0.1,"tau":0.1,"params":{"mu":0,"r":0.1,"sigma":0.1}}},"continuousTrading":{}}}},"query":"mutation prepareProposal($partyId: String!, $proposalTerms: ProposalTermsInput!) {\n prepareProposal(partyId: $partyId, proposalTerms: $proposalTerms) {\n blob\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}'
So the time we're sending is:
"data": {
"prepareProposal": {
"__typename": "PreparedProposal"
curl '' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.5' --compressed -H 'Referer:' -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2MjkyNzgyODIsImlzcyI6InZlZ2Egd2FsbGV0IiwiU2Vzc2lvbiI6ImViMjdhZjAzNTJmNGEzZGQyNmQ3NzhjZTkyOTY2NmE1ZGFlMzVmODgzMTgyMzk2MzljNmJkYzY5OWI0MGY3ZTEiLCJXYWxsZXQiOiJlZGQifQ.UqEw-thJ4AdzQ2TsCSmcuGTWQPOP_1zJ00h8AK8gVfXPE7rTpmdNh2WEGGbw-VVa8XsjBNCyOzOYgv-D3gK9UFStWEmft4Itlb8MQIGjfXdhHf1Zp3IpFRB0tQKt7537yHhGH0NYignPL-lNWD0p_p16fRxePkiEKM2YZPw2MjKn_wM_0XCNXS97GY5gyPzkA_FouSbO-ywdhMON1R6xESLM06xNjiuqke9_8fAXu8Xj7Q0PoxWzSTmCNzRUqHhtXyv8mMYv5XFfiNsN_HMxxiIUqfXCrpU0fKHSxsSoc2J9JexEtk_2rczBV38HEj3vDgFlsuxpwTI8diClRAYNGYw4-SiM_Gg5mBs12outdRx-qFwMIscZB_MfedZyipv0y4hlb92bX70UT5x_yKSGZdy4OMLATTRR7WAsRyVtZ1ttfHC8z0D0wbOB7BwkvzJJq32CabDmR4BGV4Q9RKrhLZGwZeSUwiuinkBAC6tnJDirqpIgdaf_C9nbxPGHDOPdQdlLO7po8fVR9cdzmVDesc0nzskhMtD5F-XHihgOPHNwH_gM9jPNVig_JYgfamR3BFO6jzP_G4n_3CJ7VWQQZS-Ll3r50rI7LFjstY6s3cV3zhGHjsM-NNGOdiSmXtRQJRIQgjIhKW2N-bxAtWonk1b8cH8YiNamlhXwaosqaeQ' -H 'Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8' -H 'Origin:' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'TE: Trailers' --data-raw '{"tx":"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","pubKey":"aef0f72ec9fd2f1990e483ad51604268b5d701b24f3d46fac3f8dae3b4ae9449","propagate":true}'
Wondering if the date format is wrong on your submission?
Update: this happens on devnet only, stagnet gets the correct dates
I've ran few tests and validated that the dates now seems to be one hour ahead:
Market proposal submission JSON dates:
Dates shown on the Market proposal:
[15:23:38][INFO] Proposal Closing Time ...: Tue 15 Sep 15:38:26 BST 2020
[15:23:38][INFO] Proposal Enact Time .....: Tue 22 Sep 15:53:26 BST 2020
In the script the dates are chosen with the following code:
datenow=$(curl -s "${base_url}"/statistics | jq -r .vegaTime)
dateclose=$(date -d "${datenow} + 7 days - 1 hours + 15 minutes" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
datenow=$(date -d "${datenow} + 14 days - 1 hours + 30 minutes" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
This is the part of the JSON with the market proposal's info:
"ID": "P0000006659-0000000002",
"reference": "ETHVUSD/DEC20/DOM",
"partyID": "996d6750e548a8ee544841a65ff6213bd8e6b3df8984cfed92bbb615f317c806",
"state": "STATE_OPEN",
"timestamp": "1599575007954039949",
"terms": {
"closingTimestamp": "1600180706",
"enactmentTimestamp": "1600786406",
"validationTimestamp": "0",
"newMarket": {
"changes": {
"instrument": {
"name": "December 2020 ETH vs VUSD future DOM",
"baseName": "DOM",
"quoteName": "VUSD",
"future": {
"maturity": "2020-12-31T23:59:59Z",
"asset": "ece2dcd0869fc765589f9e162fa0d1761b598def1628c4ff0f399a743693675d"
"decimalPlaces": "5",
"metadata": [
"openingAuctionDuration": "0",
"logNormal": {
"riskAversionParameter": 0.001,
"tau": 1,
"params": {
"mu": 0,
"r": 1,
"sigma": 1
"continuous": {
"tickSize": ""
if we check the dates:
dom@vegatest:~/test/develop/qa/REST_API$ date -d @1600180706
Tue 15 Sep 15:38:26 BST 2020
dom@vegatest:~/test/develop/qa/REST_API$ date -d @1600786406
Tue 22 Sep 15:53:26 BST 2020
@jeremyletang is this correct?
@domvega What's the issue then? Sorry I'm not sure to see what's incorrect?
@domvega I mean I may not see something totally obvious but you'll need to point me to it then?
@jeremyletang The submitted proposal was dated as follows:
The results on the proposal when fetched via REST were
Tue 15 Sep 15:38:26 BST 2020
Tue 22 Sep 15:53:26 BST 2020
I have a feeling this is a time zone issue (BST vs GMT), I just haven’t wrapped my head around if it’s actually wrong. The submitted date has no time zone, and when parsed from the output, it does have a timezone.
@edd yes after chatting with @domvega it's seems like a confusion because of the timezone. I'm closing this as it's a non-issue
@edd, @jeremyletang and I will have a call later where he's going to try and help me understand this better. I was left at "Vega uses Vega time to avoid timezone issues" so maybe here comes the confusion (and might've been my misunderstanding of Vega time too)
@edd, @jeremyletang and I will have a call later where he's going to try and help me understand this better.
After this meeting, please find somewhere in the documentation (protos, markdown in the docs folder, or the docs repo) to clarify Vega Time to everyone.
I was left at "Vega uses Vega time to avoid timezone issues" so maybe here comes the confusion (and might've been my misunderstanding of Vega time too)
I know you have a call and will get more detail, but it's not 'To avoid timezone issues', it's because we need validators to have a share idea of time it is, regardless of their location or their clock being incorrect. Ours is determined in Tendermint: "Tendermint provides a deterministic, Byzantine fault-tolerant, source of time. Time in Tendermint is defined with the Time field of the block header."
@edd will it be fine to add the doc under the idea is to have a dedicated document for this
Right, I've created this document that will need to be reviewed and cleared/updated/merged
Problem encountered
Submitting a signed tx for a New Market Proposal prepared in GraphQL fails because of the date in closingDatetime and enactmentDatetime is not parsed correctly
Environment: Devnet
System response
The New Market Proposal fails with the message:
System version: Specify the system version (0.xx.xx) Protocol: Specify the protocol
Component: Specify the components that might be related
Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour manually:
By checking the date and transforming it into ISO we can see that the closingTimestamp and enactmentTimestamp do not reflect the parsed dates
in ISO
You can test this manually by cloning the QA repo and checkout the develop branch:
git clone
git checkout origin develop
git pull origin develop --rebase
NOTE You can modify the .conf using your details
The automation's output will show you the commands executed and the following info:
You can check the tmp file (it's a JSON file) for more info on the proposal. To change the GraphQL query just edit the
Expected behaviour
The New Market Proposal is submitted using the specified dates