vegas-viz / Vegas

The missing MatPlotLib for Scala + Spark
MIT License
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Using Vegas with SBT #179

Open FA5I opened 4 years ago

FA5I commented 4 years ago


I am having issues using Vegas with SBT

My project looks like:

Screenshot 2020-05-30 at 20 36 27

My build.sbt file looks like:

Screenshot 2020-05-30 at 20 37 07

Could someone please kindly assist? I am new to Scala programming (coming from a Python background)


mvarble commented 4 years ago

I am a beginner at sbt (to say the least), and when I put

scalaVersion := "2.13.1"
libraryDependencies += "" %% "vegas" % "0.3.11"

in my build.sbt, I received the following error.

[error]   not found:

Note that if you change your scalaVersion to 2.11, the package will download. In this sense, it appears your issues align with that of #106.

emanb29 commented 3 years ago

%% in sbt is a string modifier that says roughly "append and put in current scala version". Vegas hasn't published a 2.13 version (ie, there is no file named like vegas_2.13), and so you cannot use this library in a project with scalaVersion 2.13. In fact, all pre-built versions of Vegas are compiled exclusively for 2.11, though as of #174 you can build your own copy of Vegas locally on 2.12.

elbamos commented 3 years ago

Curious why there still isn't a 2.12 build pushed to Maven?

rrucker commented 3 years ago

Hello all -- I would like to throw in my 2 cents worth in having Vegas-viz at least up to 2.12 pushed to maven... I teach big data courses in scala and have a devil of a time finding a supportive scala visualization package. the 2.11 vegas was very helpful several years ago and my students really liked it and used it to good effect within spark,, I would very much like to re-introduce this package to my classes,,,, sooner rather than later... :-)

regards rob rucker lecturer in IT arizona state polytechnic school