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Change the Saved Game Format #169

Open BenjamenMeyer opened 4 years ago

BenjamenMeyer commented 4 years ago

Presently the game uses a CSV format, and the former maintainers tried to also split the CSV data into multiple CSV files which we've found to be problematic (see for details).

Let's move to a different save game format.

Currently JSON, TOML, and YML are all currently excepted formats. However, only JSON has native support in Python (even Py3) without requiring additional libraries so if we need to open it from within the Python code, then we should limit it to the JSON format. (NOTE: JSON and TOML are both related to YML; I don't know why Python doesn't have a built-in YML parser.)


pyramid3d commented 4 years ago

My recommendation:

Serialization Formats

There are many formats available for serialization, the most commonly used being CSV, XML, JSON, YAML.

Our requirement for data serialization is that it would be:

Following the analysis and recommendations in this article, we equally recommend JSON as the select serialization data format for fulfilling all of the above criteria better than other formats.

[1] CSV vs XML vs JSON – Which is the Best Response Data Format?. Digital Hospital. 2016. Retrieved on 2020-02-23.


stephengtuggy commented 4 years ago

Cool. Sounds like JSON might be the way to go then.

stephengtuggy commented 4 years ago

Question: Are we making the correct distinction between the CSV format of the assets (which don't change) vs. the saved game format?

nabaco commented 4 years ago

I think @BenjamenMeyer meant the CSV assets table, since the savefile doesn't seem to be a CSV file at all. In that regard, I would think about YAML, since it's more human friendly, especially for editing. And it is a superset of JSON, so moving from one to another should be easy.

I would also add to this discussion the game's config file.

Some more info on that:

BenjamenMeyer commented 4 years ago

So this particular issue is the Save Game format itself; however, we might want to expand it towards what all the file formats should be. There is also some benefit to using one format versus a dozen formats as it can simplify any tool chains.

@nabaco my only issue with YAML is that it requires an additional library for Python to load it natively, and for how we use Python it'd be best to keep to just what is built-in if we can. JSON fulfills that requirement. Otherwise I wouldn't have any objection to YAML.

BenjamenMeyer commented 11 months ago

I was editing a saved game today and discovered that we have a couple places where saved game data gets saved - not just the ~/.vegastrike/save/<game> file but also some data in ~/.vegastrike/serialized_xml/<saved game>/ for additional things, like ships.

We should bring this down to one location - one file. Perhaps a good way to do it would be to adopt a zip file like format similar to the ODT specification so that all saved game data is stored on disk within a single file, but we actually have multiple files within it.

At the very least, we should moved everything under ~/.vegastrike/saved/ and turn the file into a directory so everything is stored together.

Either way, I propose we do:

\saved <- maps to the current saved game file
\ships\<ships> <- the ship data from the current serialized_xml directory

This at least brings things into one location.

We probably will want to do this for for 1.0 even if we don't otherwise change the data formats of the "internal" files.

BenjamenMeyer commented 11 months ago

we should probably do anything of that nature as a dedicated library; perhaps have some interfaces that could be adhered to for serializing/deserializing data from it so we can move the core of the file data holding out, but still let the internal format be controlled by the existing code.