veger / TLBE

TLBE - Time Lapse Base Edition
MIT License
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Added an always daylight toggle to cameras #34

Closed drdozer closed 1 year ago

drdozer commented 1 year ago

I have done a minimal change to add the UX and implementation for a toggle to screenshots being taken in daylight. When the flag is true, the old behaviour of taking screenshots in forced daylight is kept. When set to false, it allows the screenshot routine to use the current gameplay daytime. As legacy cameras would have this field missing, I have added a migration to set it to true. I have not bumped the mod version number, but I think this is required to make the migration script trigger. I've tested in some of my games, and it appears to function as advertised for me.

veger commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your contribution, on a first/quick sight it looks ok.

But the original requester wanted to make timelapses at night, with your change it will have the day/night cycle.

Having day/night cycles though can be kinda cool as well, so maybe a dropdown with the 3 choices would be a perfect solution!

drdozer commented 1 year ago

What would we set the daytime to so that it is night?

drdozer commented 1 year ago

I've re-read the original request, and I think they were asking for always day vs track the actual daytime daylight. I don't think they were asking to be able to set it to always night.

veger commented 1 year ago

What would we set the daytime to so that it is night?

I assume setting it 6250 (half of a day duration) should work? :thinking: (see

I've re-read the original request, and I think they were asking for always day vs track the actual daytime daylight. I don't think they were asking to be able to set it to always night.

You might be right, the 'taken as is' would point to this direction I guess...

I'll try you changes soon, and merge when it all indeed works :smile:

drdozer commented 1 year ago

Great. If/when it is merged I can do essentially the same edits to toggle the GUI in screenshots. Default off.

drdozer commented 1 year ago


veger commented 1 year ago

sorry for the lack of response, IRL happened... I am going to try/test it right away!

drdozer commented 1 year ago

Not a problem. My life is one long series of often-overlapping IRL happenings. If this pull request is OK then I'll add some support for some other snapshot flags.

veger commented 1 year ago

I changed some comments and added your name in the changelog (assuming you are ok, I'll merge)

drdozer commented 1 year ago

That's all fine by me :) Cheers.