veger / TLBE

TLBE - Time Lapse Base Edition
MIT License
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video tutorial #50

Open drdozer opened 1 year ago

drdozer commented 1 year ago

Once the various new features are added, would it be a good idea to make a tutorial video or video series showing how to use these features? Happy to contribute. The next release may be a significant upgrade but with a learning curve.

theotherbigfoot commented 1 year ago

I kinda had a tutorial in mind when I suggested all these changes. I've wanted to update the one I have already made pretty much since I made it. However, the changes to the mod that you have suggested, I don't think I will use them. I'm sure it is the same with some of the changes I have suggested. I can definitely recognise their utility but I can also recognise that I would not be the best person to talk about them. So..

I am happy to collaborate on a video if that is what you want to do. I already have a big chunk of stuff planned for the video that doesn't really directly apply to the mod, so frame rates, different kinds of timelapses that are possible depending on how much effort one wants to put in, how to structure a build to make a timelapse efficient, that sort of thing. My plan was to then move into the mod, its main functions, how to set up a transition, how to calculate transitions so that they are consistent. Then onto the fancy stuff, so the various different transitions and set pieces that I perform. There is definitely space for an alternative viewpoint in the middle if you want to add to this. I haven't written a script yet but once I get there I'm happy to send it back and forth between us, make it a shared effort. There is obviously a conversation to be had about where the video would be hosted, you know, on whose channel.

Or we can do separate efforts. For my part I can definitely appreciate that there are a lot of different ways to do this timelapsing and that my method is not necessarily what everyone wants to do. So if I know that you are doing a video as well I would want to mention it in mine as an alternative viewpoint. I would frame it in the video almost exactly as I have stated here. 'If you don't like my method please check out drdozer (not drdozer) who has made a similar video explaining an alternative way to utilise timelapsing in your factorio build'. Something like that.

I don't mind either way, Up to you

veger commented 1 year ago

Showing how to setup a workflow from different angles/ways of working could be interesting, so people can choose the method that fits them. You could even refer to each other videos when the methods differs or is equal. Such a collaboration may be beneficial for both?

This ofc only works if you guys have different methods :wink:

I doubt that I can contribute a lot in this, as I have zero experience in video making (the only one I ever made is the demo for the mod :wink: ). But I am happy to put links to your video(s) on the mod and in this repo!