veggiedefender / open-and-shut

Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop shut
MIT License
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Expected laptop hinge lifespan? #1

Open Saren-Arterius opened 4 years ago

Saren-Arterius commented 4 years ago

I plan to use this program to finish my university thesis. How much can my laptop (A 2 year old dell XPS 9360) help before the hinge breaks? Thank you.

Lunchb0ne commented 4 years ago

I have extensively used the script and have typed my master thesis via this, my hinge broke after completing around 9571 words. I suggest you use the binary typing tool after your hinge breaks if you need to use more words

aaronjanse commented 4 years ago

@Saren-Arterius My understanding is that a hinge is a muscle that gets stronger as it's used.

I recommend stretches (fully opening laptop past 180 degrees) before using the hinge extensively :+1:

veggiedefender commented 4 years ago

@aaronjanse's point is very well taken. You need to use a full range of motion while training to maximize muscle growth.

And as always, progressive overload is key to improving hinge lifespan, so I would recommend increasing reps and then adding weight once you can do 12-15 in a row without failure.

TruncatedDinoSour commented 2 months ago


freemandealer commented 2 weeks ago
