vehicle-lang / vehicle

A toolkit for enforcing logical specifications on neural networks
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Strict inequality warning shows on specification that does not contain strict inequalities #738

Open BenCoke12 opened 1 year ago

BenCoke12 commented 1 year ago

Specification: Network:

Command used: vehicle verify --specification specifications/nonDual.vcl --network regression:onnx/1nYeX.onnx --verifier Marabou --verifier-location ../Marabou/build/Marabou

The verifier shows the warning even though there are no strict inequalities in the script:

Warning: While compiling property 'highInHighOut' at least one of the generated SAT problems generated was found to contain a strict inequality (i.e. constraints of the form 'x < y'). Unfortunately the Marabou query format only supports non-strict inequalities (i.e. constraints of the form 'x <= y').

In order to provide support, Vehicle has automatically converted the strict inequalities to non-strict inequalites. This is not sound, but errors will be at most the floating point epsilon used by the verifier, which is usually very small (e.g. 1e-9). However, this may lead to unexpected behaviour (e.g. loss of the law of excluded middle).

See for further details.

The counterexample generated (0.5) is also not a counterexample to the property as it would need to be a value less than 0.5 to be a counterexample.

wenkokke commented 1 year ago

Given the negation translation and other such steps, we probably should decorate this warning with similar information to the linearity violations.