vejnoe / weather-in-your-calendar

Add a calendar with your local weather in your calendar
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Location issues #14

Open ashinckley opened 1 month ago

ashinckley commented 1 month ago

Lately I've been encountering an issue where my city will randomly come up as, "CITY NOT FOUND". It was working earlier, and the last few times I've added this to my calendar, it works for about a day before showing up as not found. One interesting behavior I noticed about the page is that after I added the city into the bar, it would find my city. However, when I toggled the units or high/low buttons, it would sometimes change to "CITY NOT FOUND". I can't seem to find a consistent pattern as to what "breaks" it.
My city is Maple Valley, Washington.

skylarp commented 1 month ago

I'm having the same issue in Madison, Wisconsin.

skylarp commented 1 month ago

Okay, following the suggestion in this comment on Issue 12, I tried Madison,WI,USA as the input at and it is working fine. Fingers crossed that it will stay that way.

filip-van-hoeckel commented 1 month ago

Since yesterday I experience this issue as well for a city in the Netherlands. Adding the country does not solve it.

livejamie commented 1 month ago

Formatting like "Madison,WI,USA" does not fix the issue any longer

livejamie commented 1 month ago

I wonder if it's an API issue/limitation

jengjo commented 1 month ago

Does not work for me either. Oslo

skylarp commented 1 month ago

Yeah, my "fix" stopped working for me yesterday as well.

philperrin commented 1 month ago

Seeing that this code hasn't been updated in 4 years I don't know if a fix will come? I originally posted about the api version perhaps not being correct, but that is not the case. The code in this repo uses: But I found that using that with the free API does not work. However, using: Does work just fine with the free API. But I am not sure if this code will work for public use if everyone uses the same API key.

livejamie commented 1 month ago

I sent @vejnoe an email and got an autoresponse that he's out sick, so I'll wait for them to return.

In the meantime, there's and as alternatives

They're not as customizable but it's better than a broken feed

fhunter commented 1 month ago

Seeing that this code hasn't been updated in 4 years I don't know if a fix will come? I originally posted about the api version perhaps not being correct, but that is not the case. The code in this repo uses: But I found that using that with the free API does not work. However, using: Does work just fine with the free API. But I am not sure if this code will work for public use if everyone uses the same API key.

There was email from openweathermap, saying that they are deprecating 2.5 API in favor of 3.0 API (but as far as I looked, it was about the same - only URL was changing, for the most part)

change-agent commented 1 month ago

This keeps happening each week now.

I sent @vejnoe an email and got an autoresponse that he's out sick, so I'll wait for them to return.

In the meantime, there's and as alternatives

They're not as customizable but it's better than a broken feed

Meteomatics is great – thanks @livejamie!

livejamie commented 3 weeks ago

It appears to be working again, weird.

mojo2012 commented 2 days ago did the trick for me :-)