veldenb / plugin.program.moonlight-qt

A launcher and updater for running Moonlight-qt on LibreELEC.
GNU General Public License v3.0
86 stars 11 forks source link

Crash on start with LibreELEC12 on Pi5 #45

Closed millerm1993 closed 7 months ago

millerm1993 commented 8 months ago

I installed this plugin on my Raspberry Pi 5, latest nightly of LibreELEC 12 (Nightly 20231116). Install process worked fine, but when I start moonlight the OS seems to crash and the plugin generates the following log (moonlight-qt.log):

Platform rpi (aarch64) running libreelec 12.0 detected...
Loading LibreELEC profile for setting up environment...
Using custom libraries from /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt/lib...
Using Qt library from /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt/lib/qt5...
Running without window manager...
Detected resolution 3840,2160...
Using Qt scale factor 1.28...
Using Kodi hooks for libreelec...
--- Starting Moonlight ---
00:00:00 - Qt Info: Unable to detect Wayland or X11, so EGLFS will be used by default. Set QT_QPA_PLATFORM to override this.
00:00:00 - Qt Info: Setting display mode by default. Set QT_QPA_EGLFS_ALWAYS_SET_MODE=0 to override this.
00:00:00 - Qt Warning: QStandardPaths: wrong permissions on runtime directory /var/run/, 0755 instead of 0700
WARNING: v3d support for hw version 71 is neither a complete nor a conformant OpenGL implementation. Testing use only.
00:00:00 - Qt Critical: drmModeGetResources failed (Operation not supported)
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Compiled with SDL 2.29.0
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Running with SDL 2.29.0
00:00:00 - Qt Info: No translation available for "C"
00:00:00 - Qt Fatal: Cannot create window: no screens available
Aborted (core dumped)

This is an excerpt from the system log (01_KODI.log):

2023-11-16 06:55:39.231 T:6497     info <general>: Launching moonlight-qt update: ADDON_PROFILE_PATH="/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt" bash /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/resources/build/ | tee /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/build.log
2023-11-16 06:57:32.060 T:6414     info <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
2023-11-16 06:57:32.060 T:6414     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "hdmi:CARD=vc4hdmi0,DEV=0"
2023-11-16 06:57:32.061 T:6414     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "hdmi:CARD=vc4hdmi0,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x00"
2023-11-16 06:57:32.061 T:6414     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats
2023-11-16 06:57:32.061 T:6414     info <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S24NE3
2023-11-16 06:57:42.263 T:6406     info <general>: Loading skin file: DialogConfirm.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-11-16 06:58:00.646 T:6406     info <general>: Loading skin file: DialogSelect.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-11-16 06:58:10.156 T:6406     info <general>: Loading skin file: MyGames.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-11-16 06:58:13.068 T:11659    info <general>: New ALSA config file written to /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-home/.config/alsa/asoundrc
2023-11-16 06:58:13.068 T:11659    info <general>: Launching moonlight-qt: systemd-run --setenv=ADDON_PROFILE_PATH="/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt" --setenv=PULSE_SERVER="none" --setenv=SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa" bash /storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/resources/bin/ 
2023-11-16 06:58:14.031 T:6406     info <general>: Quitting due to POSIX signal
2023-11-16 06:58:14.064 T:6406     info <general>: Saving exitCode 65
2023-11-16 06:58:14.064 T:6406     info <general>: Stopping the application...
2023-11-16 06:58:14.064 T:6406     info <general>: Stopping player
2023-11-16 06:58:14.064 T:6406     info <general>: Storing total System Uptime
2023-11-16 06:58:14.064 T:6406     info <general>: Saving settings
2023-11-16 06:58:14.068 T:6406     info <general>: Saving skin settings
2023-11-16 06:58:14.068 T:6406     info <general>: Stopping all
2023-11-16 06:58:14.068 T:6406     info <general>: ES: Stopping event server
2023-11-16 06:58:14.213 T:6430     info <general>: ES: UDP Event server stopped
2023-11-16 06:58:14.903 T:6406     info <general>: stopping zeroconf publishing
2023-11-16 06:58:14.914 T:6427     info <general>: SETTINGS: stop_service # ## LibreELEC Addon ## STOP SERVICE DONE !
2023-11-16 06:58:14.914 T:6459     info <general>: SETTINGS: run # updateThread Stopped
2023-11-16 06:58:14.915 T:6460     info <general>: SETTINGS: run # Received exit
2023-11-16 06:58:16.262 T:6406     info <general>: Application stopped
2023-11-16 06:58:17.235 T:6406     info <general>: AddOnLog: peripheral.joystick: Disabling joystick interface "linux"
2023-11-16 06:58:17.235 T:6406     info <general>: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - Joystick Support
2023-11-16 06:58:17.235 T:6406     info <general>: unload skin
2023-11-16 06:58:17.253 T:6406     info <general>: Unloaded skin
2023-11-16 06:58:17.264 T:6406     info <general>: unload sections
2023-11-16 06:58:17.265 T:6406     info <general>: CWSDiscoveryListenerUDP::Stop - Stopped
2023-11-16 06:58:17.436 T:6406     info <general>: Exiting the application...

Not sure where to go from here but any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if any extra logs or tests are needed.


veldenb commented 8 months ago

I currently don't own a rpi 5, so I cannot test it. @cgutman, is the rpi 5 supported and are there any requisites for it?

razyon commented 8 months ago

Hi, I recently bought a pi5 and started to use it with libreelec.

Neither of the libreelec 11 (nightly for pi5) and libreelec 12 (also nightly) worked with this addon.

But I managed to make it work, I followed the answer of this post

I updated the file "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/resources/bin/" and added the line:

export QT_QPA_EGLFS_KMS_CONFIG="/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/resources/bin/eglfs.json"

Then I added a file "/storage/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/resources/bin/eglfs.json" with content:

{ "device": "/dev/dri/card1" }

And it works. By the way I have no idea of what I'm doing and the cause of the issue. Is the bug from libreelec side or should it be managed by this addon ?

By the way I'm really thankfull for all your work this addon really means a lot to me :)

Best regards

veldenb commented 8 months ago

It should be auto detected, but I guess it's not. What does this command give you for output on the pi 5? cat /etc/os-release I may be able to add a quirk for now.

And can you also send the log file /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt.log while using /dev/dri/card1?

veldenb commented 8 months ago

@cgutman I can see that in app/streaming/video/ffmpeg-renderers/drm.cpp the DRM-card should be detected, but could it be the case that it fails to do so in an earlier stage when starting up QT?

razyon commented 8 months ago

Here's my moonlight-qt.log when it worked:

# ... output of cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt.log
# LibreELEC release: RPi5.aarch64-nightly-20231118-4c89a40
Platform rpi (aarch64) running libreelec 12.0 detected...
Loading LibreELEC profile for setting up environment...
Using custom libraries from /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt/lib...
Using Qt library from /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt/lib/qt5...
Running without window manager...
Detected resolution 3840,2160...
Using Qt scale factor 1.28...
Using Kodi hooks for libreelec...
--- Starting Moonlight ---
00:00:00 - Qt Info: Unable to detect Wayland or X11, so EGLFS will be used by default. Set QT_QPA_PLATFORM to override this.
00:00:00 - Qt Info: Setting display mode by default. Set QT_QPA_EGLFS_ALWAYS_SET_MODE=0 to override this.
00:00:00 - Qt Warning: QStandardPaths: wrong permissions on runtime directory /var/run/, 0755 instead of 0700
WARNING: v3d support for hw version 71 is neither a complete nor a conformant OpenGL implementation. Testing use only.
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Compiled with SDL 2.29.0
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Running with SDL 2.29.0
00:00:00 - Qt Info: No translation available for "C"
00:00:00 - Qt Warning: qrc:/gui/main.qml:13:1: QML ApplicationWindow: ToolTip must be attached to an Item
00:00:00 - Qt Info: Found "gamecontrollerdb.txt" at "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-home/.cache/Moonlight Game Streaming Project/Moonlight/gamecontrollerdb.txt"
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Loaded 296 new gamepad mappings
WARNING: v3d support for hw version 71 is neither a complete nor a conformant OpenGL implementation. Testing use only.
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): V-sync disabled
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:00:00 - SDL Error (0): drmModeObjectSetProperty(max bpc) failed: 13
00:00:00 - SDL Error (0): drmModeObjectSetProperty(Colorspace) failed: 13
00:00:00 - SDL Error (0): drmModeObjectSetProperty(HDR_OUTPUT_METADATA) failed: 13
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:00:00 - SDL Error (0): drmModeObjectSetProperty(max bpc) failed: 13
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Using DRM renderer
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] nal_unit_type: 32(VPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] nal_unit_type: 33(SPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] nal_unit_type: 34(PPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Decoding VPS
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Main 10 profile bitstream
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Decoding SPS
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Main 10 profile bitstream
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Decoding VUI
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Decoding PPS
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Format drm_prime chosen by get_format().
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Format drm_prime requires hwaccel initialisation.
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_init
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video19 capabilities=0x4204000
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Adding: /dev/media2,/dev/video19 pix=0x35363253, type=10
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video20 capabilities=0x4202000
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video29 capabilities=0x4202000
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Trying V4L2 devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: Dmabufs using CMA
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Dmabufs opened - try dmabuf buffers
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] HEVC API version 4 probed successfully
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Slots=9: Reordering=2, threads=1, hw+=-1
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] frame_params: avctx=0x5555aa1da9f0 ctx=0x5555aa1baba0 hw_frames_ctx=0x5555aa2e7ce0 hwfc=0x5555aa2e78d0 pool=(nil) width=1344 height=736 initial_pool_size=0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Failed to query ext id=0xa40a97, err=22
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] set_controls: Max slices 4096
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] set_controls: Entry point offsets 0
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Hwaccel V4L2 HEVC stateless V4; devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19; buffers: src DMABuf, dst DMABuf; swfmt=rpi4_10
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] v4l2_req_frame_alloc: avctx=0x5555aa1da9f0 size=968 data=0x5555aa1c2110
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] Output frame with POC 3.
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Selected DRM plane supports chosen decoding format: 30333050
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): FFmpeg-based video decoder chosen
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: v4l2_req_frame_free: avctx=0x5555aa1da9f0 data=0x5555aa1c2110
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa1da9f0] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_uninit
00:00:00 - FFmpeg: Free dmabuf ctl
00:00:00 - SDL Error (0): drmModeObjectSetProperty(Colorspace) failed: 13
00:00:00 - SDL Error (0): drmModeObjectSetProperty(HDR_OUTPUT_METADATA) failed: 13
00:00:01 - Qt Info: Found "gamecontrollerdb.txt" at "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-home/.cache/Moonlight Game Streaming Project/Moonlight/gamecontrollerdb.txt"
00:00:01 - SDL Info (0): Loaded 296 new gamepad mappings
00:00:01 - Qt Info: "razyon-2023" is now online at ""
00:00:01 - SDL Info (0): Captured Qt EGLFS DRM master fd (legacy): 4
00:00:01 - Qt Debug: Current Moonlight version: "5.0.1"
00:00:01 - Qt Info: Discovered mDNS host: "razyon-2023.local."
00:00:01 - Qt Info: Resolved "razyon-2023.local." to QHostAddress("")
00:00:01 - Qt Info: Resolved "razyon-2023.local." to QHostAddress("")
00:00:01 - Qt Info: Gamepad mappings are up to date
00:00:01 - Qt Info: Latest supported GFE server: ""
00:00:03 - Qt Info: Processing new PC at "" from mDNS with IPv6 address "<NULL>"
00:00:03 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:03 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:03 - Qt Info: Pairing with server generation: 7
00:00:03 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:25 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:25 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:25 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:25 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:47 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:47 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:00:47 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:01:23 - Qt Info: Found "ModeSeven.ttf" at ":/data/ModeSeven.ttf"
WARNING: v3d support for hw version 71 is neither a complete nor a conformant OpenGL implementation. Testing use only.
00:01:23 - Qt Info: Server GPU: ""
00:01:23 - Qt Info: Server GFE version: ""
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Video bitrate: 10000 kbps
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Desired audio buffer: 720 samples (2880 bytes)
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Obtained audio buffer: 720 samples (2880 bytes)
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): SDL audio driver: alsa
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Audio channel count: 2
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Audio channel mask: 3
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): V-sync disabled
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Using DRM renderer
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 32(VPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 33(SPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 34(PPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VPS
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding SPS
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VUI
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding PPS
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime chosen by get_format().
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime requires hwaccel initialisation.
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_init
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video19 capabilities=0x4204000
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Adding: /dev/media2,/dev/video19 pix=0x35363253, type=10
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video20 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video29 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Trying V4L2 devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: Dmabufs using CMA
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Dmabufs opened - try dmabuf buffers
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] HEVC API version 4 probed successfully
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Slots=9: Reordering=2, threads=1, hw+=-1
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] frame_params: avctx=0x5555aa966680 ctx=0x5555ab6b3ce0 hw_frames_ctx=0x5555aa52cf20 hwfc=0x5555aa438f80 pool=(nil) width=1280 height=736 initial_pool_size=0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Failed to query ext id=0xa40a97, err=22
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Max slices 4096
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Entry point offsets 0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Hwaccel V4L2 HEVC stateless V4; devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19; buffers: src DMABuf, dst DMABuf; swfmt=rpi4_8
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] v4l2_req_frame_alloc: avctx=0x5555aa966680 size=968 data=0x5555ab9091d0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Output frame with POC 3.
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Selected DRM plane supports chosen decoding format: 3231564e
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): FFmpeg-based video decoder chosen
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: v4l2_req_frame_free: avctx=0x5555aa966680 data=0x5555ab9091d0
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_uninit
00:01:23 - FFmpeg: Free dmabuf ctl
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Desired audio buffer: 720 samples (2880 bytes)
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Obtained audio buffer: 720 samples (2880 bytes)
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): SDL audio driver: alsa
00:01:23 - Qt Info: Found "gamecontrollerdb.txt" at "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-home/.cache/Moonlight Game Streaming Project/Moonlight/gamecontrollerdb.txt"
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Loaded 296 new gamepad mappings
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): V-sync disabled
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:23 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Using DRM renderer
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 32(VPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 33(SPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 34(PPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VPS
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding SPS
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VUI
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding PPS
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime chosen by get_format().
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime requires hwaccel initialisation.
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_init
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video19 capabilities=0x4204000
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Adding: /dev/media2,/dev/video19 pix=0x35363253, type=10
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video20 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video29 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Trying V4L2 devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: Dmabufs using CMA
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Dmabufs opened - try dmabuf buffers
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] HEVC API version 4 probed successfully
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Slots=9: Reordering=2, threads=1, hw+=-1
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] frame_params: avctx=0x5555aa966680 ctx=0x5555aa540730 hw_frames_ctx=0x5555ab748370 hwfc=0x5555aa5a1050 pool=(nil) width=1280 height=736 initial_pool_size=0
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Failed to query ext id=0xa40a97, err=22
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Max slices 4096
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Entry point offsets 0
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Hwaccel V4L2 HEVC stateless V4; devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19; buffers: src DMABuf, dst DMABuf; swfmt=rpi4_8
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] v4l2_req_frame_alloc: avctx=0x5555aa966680 size=968 data=0x5555aa300870
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Output frame with POC 3.
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Selected DRM plane supports chosen decoding format: 3231564e
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): FFmpeg-based video decoder chosen
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: v4l2_req_frame_free: avctx=0x5555aa966680 data=0x5555aa300870
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_uninit
00:01:24 - FFmpeg: Free dmabuf ctl
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:24 - Qt Info: Found "gamecontrollerdb.txt" at "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-home/.cache/Moonlight Game Streaming Project/Moonlight/gamecontrollerdb.txt"
00:01:24 - SDL Info (0): Loaded 296 new gamepad mappings
00:01:25 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:01:28 - Qt Info: Launch response: "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<root status_code=\"200\"><sessionUrl0>rtsp://</sessionUrl0><gamesession>1</gamesession></root>"
00:01:28 - Qt Info: Found matching interface: "eth0" "D8:3A:DD:A8:91:86" QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag>(IsUp|IsRunning|CanBroadcast|CanMulticast)
00:01:28 - Qt Info: Interface Type: QNetworkInterface::Ethernet
00:01:28 - Qt Info: Interface MTU: 1500
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): RTSP port: 48010
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): Initializing platform...
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): Resolving host name...
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): Initializing audio stream...
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): Starting RTSP handshake...
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): Audio port: 48000
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): Video port: 47998
00:01:28 - SDL Info (0): Control port: 47999
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Initializing control stream...
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Initializing video stream...
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Initializing input stream...
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Starting control stream...
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Starting video stream...
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Video stream is 1280x720x60 (format 0x100)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Starting audio stream...
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Desired audio buffer: 720 samples (2880 bytes)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Obtained audio buffer: 720 samples (2880 bytes)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): SDL audio driver: alsa
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Audio stream has 2 channels
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Starting input stream...
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): done
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Qt UI screen is at (0,0)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): SDL found matching display 0
WARNING: v3d support for hw version 71 is neither a complete nor a conformant OpenGL implementation. Testing use only.
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Found display mode with desktop resolution: 3840x2160x60
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Gamepad 0 (player 0) is: Xbox One S Controller (VID/PID: 0x045e/0x02e0) (haptic capabilities: 0x50000) (mapping: 030082795e040000e002000000006800 -> 030082795e040000e002000000006800,*,a:b0,b:b1,back:b4,dpdown:b12,dpleft:b13,dpright:b14,dpup:b11,guide:b5,leftshoulder:b9,leftstick:b7,lefttrigger:a4,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b10,rightstick:b8,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b6,x:b2,y:b3,crc:7982,platform:Linux)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Recreating renderer for window event: 1 (0 0)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): V-sync enabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
WARNING: v3d support for hw version 71 is neither a complete nor a conformant OpenGL implementation. Testing use only.
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Using DRM renderer
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 32(VPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 33(SPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 34(PPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding SPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VUI
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding PPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime chosen by get_format().
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime requires hwaccel initialisation.
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_init
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video19 capabilities=0x4204000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Adding: /dev/media2,/dev/video19 pix=0x35363253, type=10
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video20 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video29 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Trying V4L2 devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: Dmabufs using CMA
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Dmabufs opened - try dmabuf buffers
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] HEVC API version 4 probed successfully
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Slots=9: Reordering=2, threads=1, hw+=-1
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] frame_params: avctx=0x5555aa966680 ctx=0x5555ab1d1c40 hw_frames_ctx=0x5555ab746ff0 hwfc=0x5555ab6efea0 pool=(nil) width=1280 height=736 initial_pool_size=0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Failed to query ext id=0xa40a97, err=22
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Max slices 4096
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Entry point offsets 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Hwaccel V4L2 HEVC stateless V4; devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19; buffers: src DMABuf, dst DMABuf; swfmt=rpi4_8
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] v4l2_req_frame_alloc: avctx=0x5555aa966680 size=968 data=0x5555aa300870
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Output frame with POC 3.
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Selected DRM plane supports chosen decoding format: 3231564e
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: v4l2_req_frame_free: avctx=0x5555aa966680 data=0x5555aa300870
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_uninit
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: Free dmabuf ctl
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Frame pacing disabled: target 60 Hz with 60 FPS stream
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Using DRM renderer
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): FFmpeg-based video decoder chosen
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): IDR frame request sent
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Recreating renderer for window event: 6 (3840 2160)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): V-sync enabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Using DRM renderer
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 32(VPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 33(SPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 34(PPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 21(CRA_NUT), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding SPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VUI
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding PPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime chosen by get_format().
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime requires hwaccel initialisation.
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_init
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video19 capabilities=0x4204000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Adding: /dev/media2,/dev/video19 pix=0x35363253, type=10
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video20 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video29 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Trying V4L2 devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: Dmabufs using CMA
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Dmabufs opened - try dmabuf buffers
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] HEVC API version 4 probed successfully
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Slots=9: Reordering=2, threads=1, hw+=-1
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] frame_params: avctx=0x5555aa966680 ctx=0x5555aa4c9a20 hw_frames_ctx=0x5555ab291670 hwfc=0x5555aa579b10 pool=(nil) width=1280 height=736 initial_pool_size=0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Failed to query ext id=0xa40a97, err=22
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Max slices 4096
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Entry point offsets 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Hwaccel V4L2 HEVC stateless V4; devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19; buffers: src DMABuf, dst DMABuf; swfmt=rpi4_8
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] v4l2_req_frame_alloc: avctx=0x5555aa966680 size=968 data=0x5555aa300870
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Output frame with POC 3.
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Selected DRM plane supports chosen decoding format: 3231564e
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: v4l2_req_frame_free: avctx=0x5555aa966680 data=0x5555aa300870
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_uninit
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: Free dmabuf ctl
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Received first video packet after 400 ms
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Sharing DRM FD with SDL
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): GPU driver: vc4
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Frame pacing disabled: target 60 Hz with 60 FPS stream
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Using DRM renderer
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): FFmpeg-based video decoder chosen
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 32(VPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 33(SPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 34(PPS), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] nal_unit_type: 19(IDR_W_RADL), nuh_layer_id: 0, temporal_id: 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): IDR frame request sent
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding SPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Main profile bitstream
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding VUI
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Decoding PPS
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime chosen by get_format().
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Format drm_prime requires hwaccel initialisation.
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] <<< v4l2_request_hevc_init
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video19 capabilities=0x4204000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Adding: /dev/media2,/dev/video19 pix=0x35363253, type=10
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video20 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: path=/dev/video29 capabilities=0x4202000
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] probe_video_device: missing required mem2mem capability
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Trying V4L2 devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: Dmabufs using CMA
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Dmabufs opened - try dmabuf buffers
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] HEVC API version 4 probed successfully
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Slots=9: Reordering=2, threads=1, hw+=-1
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] frame_params: avctx=0x5555aa966680 ctx=0x7fff400ac5e0 hw_frames_ctx=0x7fff400bfe20 hwfc=0x7fff400acad0 pool=(nil) width=1280 height=736 initial_pool_size=0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Failed to query ext id=0xa40a97, err=22
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Max slices 4096
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] set_controls: Entry point offsets 0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Hwaccel V4L2 HEVC stateless V4; devices: /dev/media2,/dev/video19; buffers: src DMABuf, dst DMABuf; swfmt=rpi4_8
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] v4l2_req_frame_alloc: avctx=0x5555aa966680 size=968 data=0x7fff400ae8b0
00:01:29 - FFmpeg: [hevc @ 0x5555aa966680] Output frame with POC 0.
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): Dropping window event during flush: 1 (0 0)
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): COLOR_RANGE: YCbCr limited range
00:01:29 - SDL Info (0): COLOR_ENCODING: ITU-R BT.601 YCbCr
00:01:37 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:01:37 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:01:40 - SDL Info (0): Received first audio packet after 10600 ms
00:01:40 - SDL Info (0): Initial audio resync period: 500 milliseconds
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Server notified termination reason: 0x80030023
00:02:18 - SDL Error (0): Connection terminated: 0
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Quit event received
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Set HDMI Colorspace: Default
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Set display HDR mode: disabled
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Global video stats
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): ----------------------------------------------------------
Incoming frame rate from network: 52.13 FPS
Decoding frame rate: 52.13 FPS
Rendering frame rate: 51.96 FPS
Host processing latency min/max/average: 1.1/11.0/1.4 ms
Frames dropped by your network connection: 0.00%
Frames dropped due to network jitter: 0.31%
Average network latency: 1 ms (variance: 1 ms)
Average decoding time: 1.33 ms
Average frame queue delay: 2.98 ms
Average rendering time (including monitor V-sync latency): 14.63 ms
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Failed to send ENet control packet
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Loss Stats: Transaction failed: 0
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Stopping input stream...
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Stopping audio stream...
00:02:18 - Qt Info: Found "gamecontrollerdb.txt" at "/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-home/.cache/Moonlight Game Streaming Project/Moonlight/gamecontrollerdb.txt"
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Loaded 296 new gamepad mappings
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Stopping video stream...
00:02:18 - Qt Info: Discovered mDNS host: "razyon-2023.local."
00:02:18 - Qt Info: Resolved "razyon-2023.local." to QHostAddress("")
00:02:18 - Qt Info: Resolved "razyon-2023.local." to QHostAddress("")
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Stopping control stream...
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): ENet peer is already disconnected
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Cleaning up input stream...
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Cleaning up video stream...
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Cleaning up control stream...
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Cleaning up audio stream...
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): Cleaning up platform...
00:02:18 - SDL Info (0): done
00:02:20 - Qt Info: Processing new PC at "" from mDNS with IPv6 address "<NULL>"
00:02:20 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""
00:02:20 - Qt Info: Executing request: ""

And the output of cat /etc/os-release

LibreELEC-2:~ # cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="LibreELEC (community): nightly-20231118-4c89a40"


cgutman commented 8 months ago

I can see that in app/streaming/video/ffmpeg-renderers/drm.cpp the DRM-card should be detected, but could it be the case that it fails to do so in an earlier stage when starting up QT?

Yes, direct DRM rendering requires the DRM fd to be shared with Qt and SDL. The error reported here is from Qt's EGLFS plugin, not from Moonlight's code.

The DRM renderer has support for using render nodes and opening DRM fds itself, but that is only to support the case where the DRM backend is used for DMA-BUF sharing between a V4L2 decoder and the EGL renderer (which is probably rendering to an X11 or Wayland window). It can't be used to directly render to the display in that mode.

veldenb commented 7 months ago

@razyon I added some extra code to detect the Pi 5 and add the device option. Can you try this version?

razyon commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your efforts, didn't work unfortunately

# ... output of cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt.log
# LibreELEC release: RPi5.aarch64-nightly-20231118-4c89a40
Platform rpi (aarch64) running libreelec 12.0 detected...
Loading LibreELEC profile for setting up environment...
Using custom libraries from /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt/lib...
Using Qt library from /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.moonlight-qt/moonlight-qt/lib/qt5...
Running without window manager...
Detected resolution 3840,2160...
Using Qt scale factor 1.28...
Using Kodi hooks for libreelec...
--- Starting Moonlight ---
00:00:00 - Qt Info: Unable to detect Wayland or X11, so EGLFS will be used by default. Set QT_QPA_PLATFORM to override this.
00:00:00 - Qt Info: Setting display mode by default. Set QT_QPA_EGLFS_ALWAYS_SET_MODE=0 to override this.
00:00:00 - Qt Warning: QStandardPaths: wrong permissions on runtime directory /var/run/, 0755 instead of 0700
WARNING: v3d support for hw version 71 is neither a complete nor a conformant OpenGL implementation. Testing use only.
00:00:00 - Qt Critical: drmModeGetResources failed (Operation not supported)
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Compiled with SDL 2.29.0
00:00:00 - SDL Info (0): Running with SDL 2.29.0
00:00:00 - Qt Info: No translation available for "C"
00:00:00 - Qt Fatal: Cannot create window: no screens available
Aborted (core dumped)
veldenb commented 7 months ago

What's the output of the command cat /proc/cpuinfo on the pi 5?

veldenb commented 7 months ago

I think I already found it, cpuinfo can output the model as "model name" and "Model". I pushed a change into the plugin to reflect this. Can you see if this helps?

razyon commented 7 months ago

Works perfectly, thanks a lot :)