veliovgroup / Meteor-Files

🚀 Upload files via DDP or HTTP to ☄️ Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.
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File not storing in storagePath after mup deploy #290

Closed bryanlimy closed 7 years ago

bryanlimy commented 8 years ago

I have storagePath set to /sitename/videos/. When I am testing in localhost, the files does get stored under /sitename/videos on my local machine. However, after I deployed using mup deploy, after I uploaded a video, I cannot see it under /sitename/videos on the server.

I also did chown -R sitename:root /sitename to set the owner

This is my settings

Videos = new FilesCollection({
    debug: true,
    storagePath: '/sitename/videos/',
    permissions: 0777,
    parentDirPermissions: 0777,
    collectionName: 'Videos',
    allowClientCode: true,
    onBeforeUpload: function(file) {
        if (Meteor.user() && Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'admin')) {
            if (file.size <= 2*1024*1024*1024 && /mp4/i.test(file.extension)) {
                // limit size to 1GB and in mp4 format
                return true
            } else {
                return "Please upload video in mp4 format and no larger than 200MB"

bryanlimy commented 8 years ago

After reading Issue, I found that it has something to do with Docker. I am using kadirahq/meteor-up, so I modified mup.js, added volumes

module.exports = {
  servers: {
    one: {
      host: 'myapp',
      username: 'root',
      // pem:
      // password:
      // or leave blank for authenticate from ssh-agent

  meteor: {
    name: 'myapp',
    path: '../app',
    volumes: {
    servers: {
      one: {}
    buildOptions: {
      serverOnly: true,
    env: {
      ROOT_URL: '',
      MONGO_URL: 'mongodb://localhost/meteor'

    //dockerImage: 'kadirahq/meteord',
    deployCheckWaitTime: 60

  mongo: {
    oplog: true,
    port: 27017,
    servers: {
      one: {},

And my collections

Videos = new FilesCollection({
    debug: false,
    storagePath: '/videos',
    permissions: 0774,
    parentDirPermissions: 0774,
    collectionName: 'Videos',
    allowClientCode: true,
    onBeforeUpload: function(file) {
        if (Meteor.user()) {
            if (file.size <= 2*1024*1024*1024 && /mp4/i.test(file.extension)) {
                // limit size to 2GB and in mp4 format
                return true
            } else {
                return "Please upload video in mp4 format and no larger than 200MB"


Now on server, the uploaded videos are being saved under /videos Just FYI for anyone had the same problem

reehamRaed commented 7 years ago

hi @bryanlimy it was very helpful , but after that can u tell me how i can access to my videos ? "path"

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

hi @reehamRaed, you can access your files just like how it was originally showed in the examples.

so in my case, I am storing videos. so this is my template video.html

{{#if video}}
    <div class="card">
        <div class="card-content">
            <div class="flex-container">
                <div class="card-title">
            <video controls>
                <source src="{{}}" type="{{video.type}}">
    <h1>Video not found</h1>

and this is my video.js

    video: function() {
        return Videos.findOne(Router.current().params.videoId)
dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

Hello @bryanlimy ,

Thank you for investigation. As this is frequent question - could you please send a PR to docs? This will be super helpful.

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru just did :)

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

Thank you @bryanlimy , published with minor changes:

marcuslma commented 7 years ago

Hi. I did the follwing config, however the images are not being stored.

After insert, the image try yo load but te following error is given: 5Ccankxy2kgug8APG.png:1 GET 404 (Not Found)

mup.js file

module.exports = {
  servers: {
    one: {
      host: '',
      username: 'root',
      password: 'pass'

  meteor: {
    name: 'my-app',
    path: '/home/user/my-app',
    volumes: {
      '/home/user/images': '/home/user/images'
    servers: {
      one: {}
    buildOptions: {
      serverOnly: true,
    env: {
      ROOT_URL: '',
      MONGO_URL: 'mongodb://localhost/meteor'

    //dockerImage: 'kadirahq/meteord'
    dockerImage: 'abernix/meteord:base',
    deployCheckWaitTime: 60

  mongo: {
    oplog: true,
    port: 27017,
    servers: {
      one: {},

images.js file

import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

export const Images = new FilesCollection({
  debug: false,
  storagePath: '/home/user/images',
  permissions: 0774,
  parentDirPermissions: 0774,
  allowClientCode: true,
  collectionName: 'Images',
  onBeforeUpload: function onBeforeUpload(file) {
    // Allow upload files under 10MB, and only in png/jpg/jpeg formats
    if (file.size <= (1024 * 1024 * 10) && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.extension)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return 'Image must be <= 10MB';

Edit: The image is being properly inserted on mongo, however the file are not being stored into the storage path

    "_id" : "9urSqoZKWds2Zw5kc",
    "size" : 2567025,
    "type" : "image/png",
    "name" : "image-teste-1.png",
    "meta" : {

    "ext" : "png",
    "extension" : "png",
    "extensionWithDot" : ".png",
    "mime" : "image/png",
    "mime-type" : "image/png",
    "userId" : "EDY2ZFD3rvTLQ8qg2",
    "path" : "/home/user/images/9urSqoZKWds2Zw5kc.png",
    "versions" : {
            "original" : {
                    "path" : "/home/user/images/9urSqoZKWds2Zw5kc.png",
                    "size" : 2567025,
                    "type" : "image/png",
                    "extension" : "png"
    "isVideo" : false,
    "isAudio" : false,
    "isImage" : true,
    "isText" : false,
    "isJSON" : false,
    "isPDF" : false,
    "_downloadRoute" : "/cdn/storage",
    "_collectionName" : "Images",
    "_storagePath" : "/home/user/images",
    "public" : false

Sorry, but it's a little bit urgent, so I am really expecting a quick answer. Thank you very much!

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

Hey @bryanlimy ,

Could you please take a look on question by @marcuslma ?

marcuslma commented 7 years ago

Hi guys, any help please? :)

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@marcuslma does /home/user/images exist on your server? if it does, if you go to /home/user/images on your server, is the image there?

marcuslma commented 7 years ago

@bryanlimy yes, this directory exists, it's automatic created. No the images aren't there.

here is the log and there is something interesting, the image is being removed after upload, what????

[FilesCollection] [File Start Method] test-image.png - ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [Start Method] Got #-1/4 chunks, dst: test-image.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #1/4 chunks, dst: test-image.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #2/4 chunks, dst: test-image.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #4/4 chunks, dst: test-image.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #3/4 chunks, dst: test-image.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #-1/4 chunks, dst: test-image.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ing)Upload] -> /home/user/images/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ed)Upload] -> /home/user/images/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv.png
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [removed]: ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [removeUnfinishedUpload]: /home/user/images/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv.png
[FilesCollection] [download(/cdn/storage/Images/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv/original/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv.png, original)]
[FilesCollection] [download(/cdn/storage/Images/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv/original/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv.png)] [_404] File not found
bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@marcuslma that's weird. So the file got uploaded correctly and is being stored under /home/user/images Can you share the code of how you do the upload and download?

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@marcuslma check the permissions on storage directory, although library check if folder is writable and ensure proper permissions on init - something may went wrong.

Also have you updated to the latest release?

marcuslma commented 7 years ago

@bryanlimy the debug log looks ok, but about this line [FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [removeUnfinishedUpload]: /home/user/images/ccoKQcaQdevwLxhNv.png ? Says it is removing uncompleted upload.

@dr-dimitru the version is 1.7.6, the storage directory is created automatic at mup deploy, and its owner is the root. What permissions is needed (chmod 0744 or chmod 0777)?

@bryanlimy I will upload the code soon is possible.

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@marcuslma have you changed continueUploadTTL? Could you post indexes from __pre_YourCollectionName Mongo Collection? Use db.getCollection('__pre_YourCollectionName').getIndexes()

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

And one more thing - could you downgrade to previous release, to make sure it's not appeared in latest release.

marcuslma commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru I downgraded, like you said, and now the image has been uploaded properly. I will do more tests. However, this was the only thing I changed.

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@marcuslma I'll be glad if you share your both Server and Client code, as well as what type of server and OS are you using, to help to investigate this issue.

@bryanlimy does latest release work well for you?

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru I will test it tmr and let you know

marcuslma commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru the OS is Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-53-generic x86_64). This problem (with version 1.7.6) doesn't happens running local, only when publishing to production with meteor up.

Server code (main.js):

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Images } from '../imports/api/collections/images';

Meteor.startup(() => {
  Meteor.publish('images.all', function () {
    return Images.find({}).cursor;

Imports code (images.js):

import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

export const Images = new FilesCollection({
  debug: false,
  storagePath: '/home/user/images',
  permissions: 0774,
  parentDirPermissions: 0774,
  allowClientCode: true,
  collectionName: 'Images',
  onBeforeUpload: function onBeforeUpload(file) {
    // Allow upload files under 10MB, and only in png/jpg/jpeg formats
    if (file.size <= (1024 * 1024 * 10) && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.extension)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return 'Image must be <= 10MB';

Client code (JS):

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/kadira:flow-router';
import { sAlert } from 'meteor/juliancwirko:s-alert';

import { Images } from '../../../../../imports/api/collections/images';

import './blog-insert.html';

Template.blogInsertLayout.onCreated(function blogInsertLayoutOnCreated() {
  this.currentUpload = new ReactiveVar(false);

Template.blogInsertLayout.onRendered(() => {});

  currentUpload() {
    return Template.instance().currentUpload.get();
  'submit form#save_blog': (event, templateInstance) => {

    const image =[0];
    const blog = {
      createdAt: new Date(),
      updatedAt: new Date(),

    const callInsert = () => {'blogs.insert', blog, (error, result) => {
        if (error) {
          sAlert.error(`Failed to publish: ${error.reason}`);
        } else {
          sAlert.success(`"${result.title}" was published.`);
          return FlowRouter.go('/control-painel/blog/list');

    const insertImage = () => {
      const uploadInstance = Images.insert({
        file: image,
        streams: 'dynamic',
        chunkSize: 'dynamic',
      }, false);

      uploadInstance.on('start', function () {

      uploadInstance.on('end', function (error, file) {
        if (error) {
          sAlert.error(`Failed to load image: ${error.reason}`);
        } else {
          blog.imageId = file._id;


    if (!image) {
      sAlert.error('An image must be selected.');
    } else if (!blog.title) {
      sAlert.error('A title must be informed.');
    } else if (!blog.description) {
      sAlert.error('A description must be informed.');
    }else {

Client code (HTML):

<template name="blogInsertLayout">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-12">
      <form id="save_blog" class="form-horizontal">
        <div class="form-group">
          <label for="title_blog" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Title</label>
          <div class="col-sm-10">
            <input type="text" class="form-control" id="title_blog" name="title_blog">
        <div class="form-group">
          <label for="description_blog" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Description</label>
          <div class="col-sm-10">
            <input type="text" class="form-control" id="description_blog" name="description_blog">
        <div class="form-group">
          <label for="status_blog" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Status</label>
          <div class="col-sm-10">
            <select class="form-control" id="status_blog" name="status_blog">
              <option value="active" selected>Active</option>
              <option value="inactive">Inactive</option>
        <div class="form-group">
          <label for="image_blog" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Image</label>
          <div class="col-sm-10">
            <input id="image_blog" name="image_blog" type="file">
        <div class="form-group">
          <div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10">
            {{#with currentUpload}}
              Uploading <b>{{}}</b>: <span id="progress">{{progress.get}}%</span>
            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary pull-right">Publish</button>
ivanthemeh commented 7 years ago

Is anyone using mupx having this issue? I cant even get the dir created on deploy.. Should I delete the container and start new? Here are my logs from the container when I upload a file which is working but I can only get the files onto the container not outside of it...any help please 🙏

in the root directory of your application.
[FilesCollection.storagePath] Set to: /home/ubuntu/images
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [File Start Method] logo.png - 9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [Start Method] Got #-1/1 chunks, dst: logo.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #1/1 chunks, dst: logo.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #-1/1 chunks, dst: logo.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ing)Upload] -> /home/ubuntu/images/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ed)Upload] -> /home/ubuntu/images/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv.png
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observeChanges] [removed]: 9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv
[FilesCollection] [download(/cdn/storage/Images/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv/original/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv.png, original)]
[FilesCollection] [serve(/home/ubuntu/images/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv.png, original)] [200]
[FilesCollection] [download(/cdn/storage/Images/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv/original/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv.png, original)]
[FilesCollection] [serve(/home/ubuntu/images/9Qo87SiqP9KZ5tsJv.png, original)] [200]
[FilesCollection] [File Start Method] frog.jpeg - x4cHm9GRKesqwg295
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [Start Method] Got #-1/1 chunks, dst: frog.jpeg
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #1/1 chunks, dst: frog.jpeg
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #-1/1 chunks, dst: frog.jpeg
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ing)Upload] -> /home/ubuntu/images/x4cHm9GRKesqwg295.jpeg
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ed)Upload] -> /home/ubuntu/images/x4cHm9GRKesqwg295.jpeg
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observeChanges] [removed]: x4cHm9GRKesqwg295
[FilesCollection] [download(/cdn/storage/Images/x4cHm9GRKesqwg295/original/x4cHm9GRKesqwg295.jpeg, original)]
[FilesCollection] [serve(/home/ubuntu/images/x4cHm9GRKesqwg295.jpeg, original)] [200]
this.Images = new FilesCollection({
  debug: true,
  storagePath: '/home/ubuntu/images',
  permissions: 0777,
  parentDirPermissions: 0777,
  collectionName: 'Images',
  allowClientCode: false, // Disallow remove files from Client
  onBeforeUpload: function(file) {
    // Allow upload files under 10MB, and only in png/jpg/jpeg formats
    if (file.size <= 1024*1024*10 && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.extension)) {
      return true;
    } else {
       return 'Please upload image, with size equal or less than 10MB';
dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

Hi @ivanthemeh

Is files exists at /home/ubuntu/images/?


[FilesCollection.storagePath] Set to: /home/ubuntu/images

Tells us what directory created and writable

ivanthemeh commented 7 years ago

No, the folders are not even being created. IM using mupx and Im thinking this

"volumes": {

isnt the right way to have the docker container create a dir, or maybe Im missing something or do I need to delete the container and start fresh with these changes for the new dir made?

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

Hi @dr-dimitru I updated to v1.7.6 and deployed on a clean Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS and also expericing the same probelm @marcuslma has

[FilesCollection.storagePath] Set to: /myapp/videos
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [File Start Method] 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4 - eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [Start Method] Got #-1/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #1/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #2/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #3/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #4/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #5/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #6/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #7/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #9/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #8/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #-1/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ing)Upload] -> /myapp/videos/eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ed)Upload] -> /myapp/videos/eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc.mp4
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [removed]: eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [removeUnfinishedUpload]: /tektube/videos/eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc.mp4
[FilesCollection] [download(/cdn/storage/Videos/eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc/original/eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc.mp4, original)]
[][FilesCollection] [download(/cdn/storage/Videos/eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc/original/eHgPwfLXssat6yyAc.mp4)] [_404] File not found

And when I use v1.7.5 everything is fine.

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@ivanthemeh I'm not experienced with MUP/X @bryanlimy could you take a look?

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

Hi @ivanthemeh, MUPX uses the old mup.json, so I am not too sure where should we create the volumes. seems like you have to create the volume in

EDIT: after reading this comment, seems like for MUPX, you have to modify in order to mount the volume. By any chance @ivanthemeh you can move to the newer/latest development version of MUP?

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@bryanlimy weird... Development stage is fine?

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru yes development stage is fine

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

yes development stage is fine

Are you using MUP too? I'm running on Heroku (deploying via git, so there is no MUP/X) and everything is just fine.

Any thoughts? Remove unfinished uploads is part of #267, see changes here

Current logic is to add isFinished property to _preCollection after file is fully loaded, only after this we remove document form _preCollection. At the same time _preCollection has .observe for removed, if document has no isFinished flag - it's removed by TTL and should be considered as unfinished upload, otherwise - it makes sure FS descriptor is closed and frees memory taken for upload.

So I assume isFinished is not set for some reason... Any thoughts why?

ivanthemeh commented 7 years ago

@brianlimy working on testing that out now. Thanks for the info!

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru MUP is only used for deploying our site to a server, so in development state (localhost), MUP is not related. Everything on localhost seems fine

[FilesCollection] [File Start Method] 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4 - SJRc4pMB9TTfBdGnL
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [Start Method] Got #-1/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #1/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #2/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #3/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #4/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #5/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #6/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #7/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #9/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #8/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #-1/9 chunks, dst: 2016_12_18_16_16_36-2.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ing)Upload] -> /myapp/videos/SJRc4pMB9TTfBdGnL.mp4
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ed)Upload] -> /myapp/videos/SJRc4pMB9TTfBdGnL.mp4
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [removed]: SJRc4pMB9TTfBdGnL
[FilesCollection][download(/cdn/storage/Videos/SJRc4pMB9TTfBdGnL/original/SJRc4pMB9TTfBdGnL.mp4, original)]
[FilesCollection] [serve(/myapp/videos/SJRc4pMB9TTfBdGnL.mp4, original)] [206]

so somehow on product, isFinished is not being set?

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@bryanlimy @ivanthemeh What node version on production?

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru depends on which docker image we are using. For Meteor 1.4+, it is recommanded to use abernix/meteord/ which has node version 4.7.0.

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@bryanlimy is there any chance to try v4.6.2 (which Meteor uses on dev)?

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru I can try, I am pretty new to these things I cannot promise anything 😂 Can we verify everything is working normally with v1.7.6 on a non-meteorup setup?

marcuslma commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru and @bryanlimy running locally, everything is working fine.

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@dr-dimitru I just tried release 1.7.7, everything seems to work fine on deployment now

moriken commented 7 years ago

Hi, I did code the same as below, and it worked fine at local and default storagePath.

However, when I deployed to Ubuntu server with mup, the link of image was 404 (not found).

So, I changed to the config referring to the following Link, and the image was stored into the /images directory, but still the link of images was 404.

Could you please confirm my setting and give me an advice?

My setting


meteor: {
    name: 'meteor-app',
    path: '../',
    volumes: {

FilesCollection storagePath

export const Images = new FilesCollection({
  debug: true,
  storagePath: '/images',
  permissions: 0774,
  parentDirPermissions: 0774,
  collectionName: 'Images',
  allowClientCode: false, // Disallow remove files from Client
  onBeforeUpload: function (file) {
    // Allow upload files under 10MB, and only in png/jpg/jpeg formats
    if (file.size <= 1024*1024*10 && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.extension)) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return 'Please upload image, with size equal or less than 10MB';

Command Images.findOne({name: ‘image_name' }).link()

Problem is 404.


node v7.5.0 Meteor ostrio:files@1.7.9 mup@1.2.3

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

Hello @moriken ,

Before changing/creating new storagePath, it has to be created on FS:

mkdir /image

# Use 777 only for tests purposes
chmod 777 /image

# Also ownership has to be properly set
# To user which is spawn node.js process
# chown user:group /image
moriken commented 7 years ago

Hi @dr-dimitru

Thank you for your reply. I did chmod 777 /image,and rebuild, but still it has a problem. An auto generated link↓ is error.

(The image files were stored into the /images directory, "e.g: /images/Wa2K4WwhNAxwg87w6.jpg" .)

bryanlimy commented 7 years ago

@moriken if the files are stored into /images correctly, then I don't think the problem has to do with MUP?

How are you publish and subscribe Images?

moriken commented 7 years ago

@bryanlimy I uploaded the source code.

I deployed it.

The image files were stored into the /images directory, but still download link has an error.

2017-04-02 12 33 43
dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

For test purposes try:

  permissions: 0777,
  parentDirPermissions: 0777,

then try (directory should have higher perms, as I remember):

  permissions: 0774,
  parentDirPermissions: 0775,

If issue will remain, turn on "debug mode" via debug: true passed into FilesCollection constructor, and post all server logs to this thread

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

@moriken forgot to ask

So, I changed to the config referring to the following Link, and the image was stored into the /images directory, but still the link of images was 404.

Do you mean newly uploaded files after deploy returns 404 response code, or files which you uploaded on development?

moriken commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your response.

I tried change permission, but it doesn't work.

This is the server log.

=> Starting meteor app on port:80
[FilesCollection.storagePath] Set to: /images
[FilesCollection] [remove({})]
[FilesCollection] [unlink(qzM5j7q37TNBDEzQc, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [find(undefined, undefined)]
[FilesCollection] [File Start Method] pnggrad8rgb.png - tYZRaZPGC2WyySxbS
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP Start Method] Got #-1/1 chunks, dst: pnggrad8rgb.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #1/1 chunks, dst: pnggrad8rgb.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [DDP] Got #-1/1 chunks, dst: pnggrad8rgb.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ing)Upload] -> /images/tYZRaZPGC2WyySxbS.png
[FilesCollection] [Upload] [finish(ed)Upload] -> /images/tYZRaZPGC2WyySxbS.png
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [changed]: tYZRaZPGC2WyySxbS
[FilesCollection] [_preCollectionCursor.observe] [removed]: tYZRaZPGC2WyySxbS

Do you mean newly uploaded files after deploy returns 404 response code, or files which you uploaded on development?

I mean, the newly uploaded files.

dr-dimitru commented 7 years ago

Hi @moriken ,

Need more logs. Each file request should be logged too.