veliovgroup / Meteor-Files

🚀 Upload files via DDP or HTTP to ☄️ Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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fails with `onBeforeUpload returned false [403]`, but my onBeforeUpload returns true #846

Closed trusktr closed 1 year ago

trusktr commented 2 years ago

I'm having an issue:

// Based on

import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor'
import {FilesCollection} from 'meteor/ostrio:files'
import {createBucket} from './gridfs/createBucket'
import {createObjectId} from './gridfs/createObjectId'
import fs from 'fs'

type TODO = any

let tracksBucket: TODO

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    tracksBucket = createBucket('tracksBucket')

console.log('FilesCollection.schema', FilesCollection.schema)

export const Tracks = new FilesCollection({
    collectionName: 'tracks',
    allowClientCode: true,
    debug: Meteor.isServer && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',

    onBeforeUpload(file) {
        return true

        if (file.size <= 104_857_600 && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.extension)) {
            return true

        return 'Please upload a file, with size equal or less than 100MB'

    onAfterUpload(file) {
        // here we could manipulate our file and create a new version, for
        // example lower resolution version, etc...

        // then we read all versions we have got so far
        Object.keys(file.versions).forEach(versionName => {
            const metadata = {...file.meta, versionName, fileId: file._id}


                // upload the binary to the bucket
                    tracksBucket.openUploadStream(, {
                        contentType: file.type || 'binary/octet-stream',

                // unlink the file from the fs on any error that occurred during
                // the upload to prevent zombie files
                .on('error', err => {
                    this.unlink(this.collection.findOne(file._id), versionName) // Unlink files from FS

                // once finished, attach the gridFS Object id on the
                // FilesCollection document's meta section and finally unlink
                // the upload file from the filesystem
                    Meteor.bindEnvironment(ver => {
                        const property = `versions.${versionName}.meta.gridFsFileId`

                        this.collection.update(file._id, {
                            $set: {
                                [property]: ver._id.toHexString(),

                        this.unlink(this.collection.findOne(file._id), versionName) // Unlink files from FS

    interceptDownload(http, file, versionName) {
        const {gridFsFileId} = file.versions[versionName].meta || {}

        if (gridFsFileId) {
            const gfsId = createObjectId({gridFsFileId})
            const readStream = tracksBucket.openDownloadStream(gfsId)

            readStream.on('data', data => {

            readStream.on('end', () => {

            readStream.on('error', () => {
                // not found probably
                // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
                http.response.statusCode = 404
                http.response.end('not found')

            http.response.setHeader('Cache-Control', this.cacheControl)
            http.response.setHeader('Content-Disposition', `inline; filename="${}"`)

        return Boolean(gridFsFileId) // Serve file from either GridFS or FS if it wasn't uploaded yet

    onAfterRemove(files) {
        files.forEach(file => {
            Object.keys(file.versions).forEach(versionName => {
                const gridFsFileId = (file.versions[versionName].meta || {}).gridFsFileId

                if (gridFsFileId) {
                    const gfsId = createObjectId({gridFsFileId})

                    tracksBucket.delete(gfsId, err => {
                        if (err) console.error(err)

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    Meteor.publish('tracks.all', function () {
        return Tracks.collection.find({})

if (Meteor.isClient) Meteor.subscribe('tracks.all')

And here's the upload code:

    function upload(e: InputEvent) {

        const input = e.currentTarget as HTMLInputElement | null
        const file = input?.files?.[0]

        if (file) {
            // insert() docs:
            let uploadInstance = Tracks.insert(

                    transport: 'http',

                    // optional data to go with the file
                    meta: {
                        // userId: Meteor.userId(),  TODO

                    chunkSize: 'dynamic',
                    allowWebWorkers: true, // If you see issues with uploads, change this to false

                    onStart(_error, file) {
                        console.log('start upload', file)
                    onAbort() {},
                    onBeforeUpload() {},
                    onError() {},
                    onProgress(progress, file) {
                        console.log('upload progress', progress, file)
                    onUploaded(error, file) {
                        if (error) throw error
                        console.log('done uploading', file)


Then when upload is called, the onUploaded method is passed that error.

trusktr commented 2 years ago

If I remove transport: 'http' I get the same config.onBeforeUpload() returned false [403] error

dr-dimitru commented 2 years ago

Hello @trusktr ,

You have defined onBeforeUpload in .insert() method. Thought it's empty its return will be treated as undefined !== true;

Solution: remove onBeforeUpload hook or return true in the object passed to .insert() method

trusktr commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I returned true from the onBeforeUpload on the client and that did the trick.

Does this example does it wrong?

Did the API change perhaps? Was that ok at some point?

trusktr commented 2 years ago

Oh, onBeforeUpload works in both places? I imagine the server needs to validate, because a client can easily hack around the onBeforeUpload on the client.

dr-dimitru commented 2 years ago

Does this example does it wrong?

No, I don't see onBeforeUpload defined in object passed into .insert() method

dr-dimitru commented 2 years ago

Oh, onBeforeUpload works in both places?

@trusktr correct, check on client and server with option skip Client

Feel free to close it in case if the issue is solved on your end.

dr-dimitru commented 2 years ago

Hello @trusktr, was this one solved on your end?

Feel free to close it in case if the issue is solved on your end.