Closed econnolly7 closed 4 months ago
I got it working!
For anyone who might encounter this problem- the main matrix in the loom output was missing because of the version conflicts between numpy, loompy, and velocyto. Specifically, the initial installations of these packages had dependencies that were not compatible with each other, leading to incomplete or incorrect execution of velocyto and subsequent generation of the loom file.
The versions of the software and libraries that were found to be compatible to successfully run velocyto and generate the loom output correctly were:
Python: 3.9 velocyto: 0.17.17 numpy: 1.21.6 scipy: 1.7.3 numba: 0.55.1 llvmlite: 0.38.1 loompy: 3.0.7
Also, barcodes.tsv had to be gzipped (barcodes.tsv.gz) for velocyto to run for me!
The final script that worked:
set -x
module load samtools module load python/3.9
source /storage/home/hcoda1/4/econnolly7/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ conda activate velocyto_env
which velocyto
echo "Running velocyto..." velocyto run10x /storage/home/hcoda1/4/econnolly7/scratch/p22069-s004_RT-PD_2024 \ /storage/home/hcoda1/4/econnolly7/scratch/refdata-gex-GRCm39-2024-A/genes/genes.gtf
conda deactivate
Hi there,
I ran velocyto on my 10x output like so:
SBATCH -J velocyto_p22069-s001_Con # Job name
SBATCH --account=gts-ggibson3-biocluster # Charge account
SBATCH --output=velocyto_%j.out # Standard output log (%j will be replaced by the job ID)
SBATCH --error=velocyto_%j.err # Standard error log (%j will be replaced by the job ID)
SBATCH --time=48:00:00 # Wall time limit
SBATCH -q inferno
SBATCH --mem=256G # Total memory limit
SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16 # Number of CPUs per task
SBATCH --partition=cpu-medium # Partition name (adjust as needed)
Load necessary modules
module load samtools module load python/3.9
Activate the virtual environment
source /storage/home/hcoda1/4/econnolly7/scratch/venv_velocyto/bin/activate
Run velocyto for 10x Genomics data
echo "Running velocyto..." velocyto run10x /storage/home/hcoda1/4/econnolly7/scratch/p22069-s001_control_2024 \ /storage/home/hcoda1/4/econnolly7/scratch/refdata-gex-GRCm39-2024-A/genes/genes.gtf
Everything ran smoothly (10+hours) and a loom file was generated. However, when I try to use the loom file with scvelo I am told that the main matrix file is missing. I'm not sure what I did wrong.
I would be forever grateful for any help or insight with this.