Open ad-si opened 4 years ago
Just add another section called "LinnStrument" to the song (, send me a commit request and I will take care of rendering a special version of the book for LynnStrument and publish instructions about to render that version instead of the regular version.
Cool, but I'm not quite sure how you want it structured. Maybe you can help me for the first one? This is a plain LilyPond version that looks good:
\version "2.20.0"
\header {
title = "Blue Bossa"
composer = "Kenny Dorham"
enteredby = "Adrian Sieber"
head = "LinnStrument"
linnstrument-fourths = \stringTuning <f,, bes,, ees, aes, des ges b e'>
melody = \relative g {
\time 4/4
\key ees \major
r4 r4 r4 g,4 \bar ".|:" g'4. f8 ees d4 c8~ | c2. bes4 | aes2 g'4. f8~ | f1 |
f4. ees 8 d c4 bes8~ | bes2. aes4 | g2 f'4. ees8~ | ees1 |
ees4. des8 c bes4 aes8~ | aes2. ges4 |
ges f8 bes ~ bes4 aes8 aes8~ | aes2. r4 |
aes4 g8 bes8 ~ bes4. aes8 | aes4 g8 bes~ bes4. aes8 | g1~ | g2. r4 \bar ":|."
chord_progression = \chords {
r1 | c1*2:m7 | f1*2:m7 |
d1:m7.5- | g:7 | c1*2:m7 |
ees1:m7 | aes:7 | des1*2:maj |
d1:m7.5- | g:7 | c1:m7 | d2:m7.5- g:7
\paper {
system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 22))
markup-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 22))
\score {
\layout {
indent = 3\cm
#(layout-set-staff-size 25)
\new TabStaff \with {
instrumentName = #"LinnStrument"
\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #linnstrument-fourths
% No open strings on Linnstrument, first pad is fret 1
\set TabStaff.minimumFret = #1
\set TabStaff.restrainOpenStrings = ##t
Ok. A few questions.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks. Just added it to the todo file. Will work on it. Not closing until this is done. This is the same as adding guitar tabs I assume so I will try and do them together.
This is the same as adding guitar tabs I assume
Yes, pretty much!
so I will try and do them together
Good idea 👍
working on it.
How's the progress on this? Let me know if you need any help!
Still working on it....
I'm working on an adaption of the OpenBook where I render the sheet-music especially for the LinnStrument. Which looks like this:
Are you interested to include this here, or shall I simply crate a separate repository?