venantius / ultra

A Leiningen plugin for a superior development environment
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Empty stack traces on assertions #66

Closed jeaye closed 6 years ago

jeaye commented 7 years ago

I think this could be a regression of #5. I can print (pst) and I'll get a very nice stack trace. Without it, I don't get any stack trace. Here's an example of the output I'm seeing:> (run "test.jank")

java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: type error: unknown binding trace
                          condition> (pst)
                     clojure.core/eval        core.clj: 3187
                 REPL Input
                         dev.clj:    5
                         dev.clj:    9
                    clojure.core/apply        core.clj:  657
                       jank.core/-main        core.clj:    8
                       jank.core/-main        core.clj:   11
                 jank.type.check/check       check.clj:   40
                 jank.type.check/check       check.clj:   52
          jank.type.check/eval25963/fn       check.clj:  183
          jank.type.check/eval25980/fn       check.clj:  238
   jank.type.expression/call-signature  expression.clj:   40
                    clojure.core/apply        core.clj:  652
                      clojure.core/seq        core.clj:  137
                   clojure.core/map/fn        core.clj: 2726
jank.type.expression/call-signature/fn  expression.clj:   40
     jank.type.expression/eval25671/fn  expression.clj:  151
               jank.assert/type-assert      assert.clj:    6
               jank.assert/type-assert      assert.clj:    7
java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: type error: unknown binding trace

This is using [venantius/ultra "0.5.0"] and [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha13"].

venantius commented 6 years ago

While this is likely, I'm working on a complete overhaul of Ultra's stacktrace engine, so I'm going to close this as it'll be irrelevant once that's complete.