vendethiel / GladiusEx

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Party frame HP color problems in solo shuff #80

Closed wwdes closed 7 months ago

wwdes commented 7 months ago

The addon has problems updating the healthbar color and/or class icon when new round starts. It results in mismatch between icon and healthbar. Very confusing. Doing /reload fixes the issue for the current round only.

vendethiel commented 7 months ago

Can you please provide a screenshot?

wwdes commented 7 months ago

Sorry, im not going in to solo with this addon because of this and other problems. There is not much you can learn from a screenshot anyway. It is just as i described, the icons dont match the healthbar color when a new round starts. So either the icon or the healthbar is not being updated properly.

vendethiel commented 7 months ago

No reproduction.

vendethiel commented 7 months ago

Try disabling arena frames in BigDebuffs however, because what looks like GladiusEx may in fact be BigDebuffs.

wwdes commented 7 months ago

It’s not bigdebuffs. Its the class icon of the party frame in gladiusex, when its set to show specialization. Doesnt matter if its sideview or main icon. It fails to update when rounds change. Please dont discard this. I am a programmet my self, and know how hard it is to progrmmaticalmy determine specializations in the game. Although, i suspect the issue is simpler as the icons update correctly when reloading.