vendethiel / ezarena

Reprise de l'ultimarena pour ajouter plus de fonctionnalités et un RPG !
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NPC Triggers #72

Open vendethiel opened 6 years ago

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

Hey @winzombie

I thought about what you proposed.

=> see ADR_Monster_NPC (Allows you to create NPCs that can attack you, or attackable NPCs) or/and ADR Boss Battles for Zones

I also consider adding Triggers. Triggers can teleport you to a zone or start a fight. So you can say that, if you talk to a NPC OR complete a quest, you are forced into the dungeon's first floor. You set the NPC to "once only" so users can only do it once. Then another NPC can start fight with second floor.

A dungeon could be done like this, other possibility:

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

I wrote the code for npc dialogs. I can't post screenshots yet

winzombie commented 6 years ago

u can add

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

For Adr_Monster_NPC: I will add it, but that means NPC can't teleport you inside a dungeon. So I still must add ability to change zone when killing a monster.

For Secret zone travel: not very interesting

Non sellable items: I thought we had it. I will add it.

winzombie commented 6 years ago

Adr_Monster_NPC its for dungeon bosses) boss tell to player some strory and than can attack him, and other monsters can teleport to other zones, like you want. something like that)

winzombie commented 6 years ago

Non sellable items: I thought we had it. I will add it. yeap u have it, sry

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

Yes I think that's what I will do.

Example :

NPC has a quest that requires an item. When you give him the item, it starts the dungeon, and the NPC attacks you (the first dungeon level).

When you kill the monsters, you get teleported to the 2nd floor. Then you can talk to another NPC, that directly attacks you. When you beat him you get to the 3rd floor.

Is that good?

winzombie commented 6 years ago

you read my mind :D

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

Probably death should teleport to beginning of dungeon? How?

winzombie commented 6 years ago

not necessary. You can use the standard resurrection. Or else put the mod Zone_Underworld_Resurrection (Allows you to assign specific zones where a character, after they die in battle, will be sent and return when resurrected.) and do something like graveyard in WOW)))

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

I see what you mean. Can you select a graveyard per zone?

winzombie commented 6 years ago

i dont know, dont use it yet, but it says

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

Maybe I'm just gonna write my own.

A simple dropdown menu in the zone edit page to select the zone.

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

To sum up:

I think this works with your:

Adr_Monster_NPC its for dungeon bosses) boss tell to player some strory and than can attack him, and other monsters can teleport to other zones, like you want. something like that)

vendethiel commented 6 years ago

First part of this is done:

Killing a mob should be able to teleport you

see #77 :).