vendetta-mod / VendettaManager

Easily install Vendetta on Android
Open Software License 3.0
690 stars 40 forks source link

(Issue) Cannot update Vendetta from Manager #14

Closed nightznero closed 1 year ago

nightznero commented 1 year ago

Helloz,im facing issue where i cannot update Vendetta over Manager. All files are properly downloaded,permission to download from unknown sources is enabled. Even set the same name of app

Heres copied logs from Manager:

Vendetta Manager v1.0.82
Built from commit 2771865 on main (Changes Present)

Running Android 13, API level 33
Supported ABIs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi

Checking if base-180015.apk is cached
base-180015.apk is not cached, downloading now
Move base-180015.apk to working directory
Checking if config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk is cached
config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk is not cached, downloading now
Move config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk to working directory
Checking if config.en-180015.apk is cached
config.en-180015.apk is not cached, downloading now
Move config.en-180015.apk to working directory
Checking if config.xxhdpi-180015.apk is cached
config.xxhdpi-180015.apk is not cached, downloading now
Move config.xxhdpi-180015.apk to working directory
Checking if vendetta.apk is cached
vendetta.apk is cached
Move vendetta.apk to working directory
Replacing mipmap-xhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png
Replacing mipmap-xxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png
Replacing mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png
Replacing mipmap-xhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_square.png
Replacing mipmap-xxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_square.png
Replacing mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_square.png
Replacing mipmap-xhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png
Replacing mipmap-xxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png
Replacing mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png
Reading AndroidManifest.xml from base-180015.apk
Changing package and app name in base-180015.apk
Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in base-180015.apk
Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in base-180015.apk
Reading AndroidManifest.xml from config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Changing package and app name in config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Changing package name in config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Reading AndroidManifest.xml from config.en-180015.apk
Changing package and app name in config.en-180015.apk
Changing package name in config.en-180015.apk
Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in config.en-180015.apk
Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in config.en-180015.apk
Reading AndroidManifest.xml from config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Changing package and app name in config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Changing package name in config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Creating dir for signed apks
Byte aligning base-180015.apk
Removing old resources.arsc
Adding aligned resources.arsc
Byte aligning config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Byte aligning config.en-180015.apk
Removing old resources.arsc
Adding aligned resources.arsc
Byte aligning config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Removing old resources.arsc
Adding aligned resources.arsc
Signing base-180015.apk
Signing config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Signing config.en-180015.apk
Signing config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Processing /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/base-180015.apk -> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/base-180015-375-lspatched.apk
apk path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/base-180015.apk
Parsing original apk...
Register apk signer with custom keystore...
original appComponentFactory class:
original minSdkVersion: 23
Patching apk...
Adding config...
Adding metaloader dex...
Adding loader dex...
Adding native lib...
added assets/lspatch/so/x86_64/
added assets/lspatch/so/x86/
added assets/lspatch/so/armeabi-v7a/
added assets/lspatch/so/arm64-v8a/
Embedding modules...
  - com.vendetta.xposed
Creating nested apk link...
Writing apk...
Done. Output APK: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/base-180015-375-lspatched.apk
Processing /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk -> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/config.arm64_v8a-180015-375-lspatched.apk
apk path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/config.arm64_v8a-180015.apk
Parsing original apk...
Register apk signer with custom keystore...
original appComponentFactory class: null
original minSdkVersion: 0
Patching apk...
Adding config...
Adding metaloader dex...
Adding loader dex...
Adding native lib...
added assets/lspatch/so/x86_64/
added assets/lspatch/so/x86/
added assets/lspatch/so/armeabi-v7a/
added assets/lspatch/so/arm64-v8a/
Embedding modules...
  - com.vendetta.xposed
Creating nested apk link...
Writing apk...
Done. Output APK: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/config.arm64_v8a-180015-375-lspatched.apk
Processing /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/config.en-180015.apk -> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/config.en-180015-375-lspatched.apk
apk path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/config.en-180015.apk
Parsing original apk...
Register apk signer with custom keystore...
original appComponentFactory class: null
original minSdkVersion: 0
Patching apk...
Adding config...
Adding metaloader dex...
Adding loader dex...
Adding native lib...
added assets/lspatch/so/x86_64/
added assets/lspatch/so/x86/
added assets/lspatch/so/armeabi-v7a/
added assets/lspatch/so/arm64-v8a/
Embedding modules...
  - com.vendetta.xposed
Creating nested apk link...
Writing apk...
Done. Output APK: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/config.en-180015-375-lspatched.apk
Processing /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/config.xxhdpi-180015.apk -> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/config.xxhdpi-180015-375-lspatched.apk
apk path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/signed/config.xxhdpi-180015.apk
Parsing original apk...
Register apk signer with custom keystore...
original appComponentFactory class: null
original minSdkVersion: 0
Patching apk...
Adding config...
Adding metaloader dex...
Adding loader dex...
Adding native lib...
added assets/lspatch/so/x86_64/
added assets/lspatch/so/x86/
added assets/lspatch/so/armeabi-v7a/
added assets/lspatch/so/arm64-v8a/
Embedding modules...
  - com.vendetta.xposed
Creating nested apk link...
Writing apk...
Done. Output APK: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/180015/patched/lspatched/config.xxhdpi-180015-375-lspatched.apk
Gathering final apks
Installing apks

I dont see anything here that could make issue with installing so thas why i m here :|

wingio commented 1 year ago

From what i can tell with those logs everything should be fine, can you elaborate on what the problem is?

nightznero commented 1 year ago

From what i can tell with those logs everything should be fine, can you elaborate on what the problem is? "There is conflict with already installed app mostly because..." and notification is cutted so dont know the reason why Screenshot_20230602_210808_Apktool M And also here just to clarify,package name of vendetta is not changed is orginal based not modified anything,so really wonder what is real reson why app cannot be overwritten

wingio commented 1 year ago

Sorry for such a delayed response, i didn't get a notification for whatever reason.

Unless you can provide me with more details i won't be able to fix this issue.

nightznero commented 1 year ago

Sorry for such a delayed response, i didn't get a notification for whatever reason.

Unless you can provide me with more details i won't be able to fix this issue.

Well,happens i guess. I reinstalled the whole dc as well as Manager(in time was update to manager and dc also) but in future,what else infos i should share? Rec screen,any files? Feel free to close it as resolved but as mentioned above if anything goes bad in futre what i should share to help as much as i can

wingio commented 1 year ago

Usually when you install the app it'll show a toast with a more specific message, i'd need that to help resolve the problem.