vendetta-mod / VendettaManager

Easily install Vendetta on Android
Open Software License 3.0
690 stars 40 forks source link

can't install it? #32

Closed MarrcosabTTS closed 10 months ago

MarrcosabTTS commented 10 months ago

I'm getting the error: can't install, and i don't know the reason. I have a Xiaomi mi 9t Pro, latest Android version: 11

Here are the logs:

Vendetta Manager v1.0.9 Built from commit 393a894 on main (Changes Present)

Running Android 11, API level 30 Supported ABIs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, armeabi

Checking if base-193013.apk is cached base-193013.apk is cached Move base-193013.apk to working directory Checking if config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk is cached config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk is cached Move config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk to working directory Checking if config.en-193013.apk is cached config.en-193013.apk is cached Move config.en-193013.apk to working directory Checking if config.xxhdpi-193013.apk is cached config.xxhdpi-193013.apk is cached Move config.xxhdpi-193013.apk to working directory Checking if vendetta.apk is cached vendetta.apk is cached Move vendetta.apk to working directory Replacing mipmap-xhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png Replacing mipmap-xxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png Replacing mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png Replacing mipmap-xhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_square.png Replacing mipmap-xxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_square.png Replacing mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_square.png Replacing mipmap-xhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png Replacing mipmap-xxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png Replacing mipmap-xxxhdpi-v4 with ic_logo_foreground.png Reading AndroidManifest.xml from base-193013.apk Changing package and app name in base-193013.apk Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in base-193013.apk Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in base-193013.apk Reading AndroidManifest.xml from config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk Changing package and app name in config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk Changing package name in config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk Reading AndroidManifest.xml from config.en-193013.apk Changing package and app name in config.en-193013.apk Changing package name in config.en-193013.apk Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in config.en-193013.apk Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in config.en-193013.apk Reading AndroidManifest.xml from config.xxhdpi-193013.apk Changing package and app name in config.xxhdpi-193013.apk Changing package name in config.xxhdpi-193013.apk Deleting old AndroidManifest.xml in config.xxhdpi-193013.apk Adding patched AndroidManifest.xml in config.xxhdpi-193013.apk Creating dir for signed apks Signing base-193013.apk Signing config.arm64_v8a-193013.apk Signing config.en-193013.apk Signing config.xxhdpi-193013.apk Processing /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/193013/signed/config.xxhdpi-193013.apk -> /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/193013/patched/lspatched/config.xxhdpi-193013-375-lspatched.apk apk path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/dev.beefers.vendetta.manager/cache/193013/signed/config.xxhdpi-193013.apk Parsing original apk... Register apk signer with custom keystore... original appComponentFactory class: null original minSdkVersion: 0 Patching apk... Adding config... Adding metaloader dex... Adding loader dex... Adding native lib... added assets/lspatch/so/x86_64/ added assets/lspatch/so/x86/ added assets/lspatch/so/armeabi-v7a/ added assets/lspatch/so/arm64-v8a/ Embedding modules...