vendetta-mod / VendettaManager

Easily install Vendetta on Android
Open Software License 3.0
687 stars 39 forks source link

Allow other module repositories #94

Open oSumAtrIX opened 3 months ago

oSumAtrIX commented 3 months ago


This PR does two things.

  1. It adds a developer setting to specify the module repository for Vendetta

  2. It displays commits for the module repository instead of non-Xposed Vendetta. This makes sense because actual changes happen there


Because Vendetta is now discontinued, this app can be repurposed in a certain way which prevents it to be useless when the module it injects is discontinued. Firstival is everyone that wants to create their own module required to fork this app. This means splitting the user base between the upstream version and all the other forkers. Second, if a forker discontinues their module, it means the death of their forked Vendetta Manager app.

With this PR both issues are solved. No one has to fork this app, this means users can get updates and don't have to hop to forked versions. Neither is the user forced to switch apps is a forker discontinues a module in the future. This PR ensures that the app can be useful for the future without turning useless just because the module is discontinued, by making the app modular and agnostic to the module it injects. This flexibility can be extended in the future to reduce the need to fork to a minimum.