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Swipe right to members list #227

Open Rairof opened 6 months ago

Rairof commented 6 months ago

Discord username


Plugin description

A plugin that brings back legacy UI swipe right to members list gesture in new UI


It's to help people who got the muscle memory to swipe right to see members list so that they don't just keep swiping right to randomly reply someone while intending to just see members list in the new UI gestures.

Moodzz1 commented 6 months ago

Also makes it easier to access the members list since the new UI makes users reach to the top of their screen 1125039194490806342

Rairof commented 6 months ago

Which is also always hard for small hand/large screen/ one handed users.

aliernfrog commented 6 months ago

You can get it using Experiments plugin:

This doesn't work as good as the old design, it still opens the new fullscreen sidebar and you can't swipe back to the channel (horizontal scrollview in the new sidebar conflicts with the gesture) (you can still use system back button/gesture).

Moodzz1 commented 6 months ago

Doesn't work for me. Used to use this.

Rairof commented 6 months ago Even if it did worked, experiments aren't even remotely as reliable as plugins since they're managed by discord and they can remove them whenever they want to, so making a plugin for this function is going to be brought back up eventually anyways.

Moodzz1 commented 6 months ago


moonfight1 commented 6 months ago

we need this

Cynosphere commented 6 months ago


Just react with a simple thumbs up to let people know you're interested, don't "bump" issues as this will spam emails and make tracking requests more difficult.

moonfight1 commented 6 months ago


Just react with a simple thumbs up to let people know you're interested, don't "bump" issues as this will spam emails and make tracking requests more difficult.

oh okay sorry