vendure-ecommerce / storefront-angular-starter

An example storefront PWA for Vendure built with Angular
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Are these Storefront templates abandoned? #93

Open KariNarhi opened 1 week ago

KariNarhi commented 1 week ago

Short explanation

I cloned the master/main branch and the template was just broken.

The template did not want to install, without using --legacy-peer-deps and even then the app did not start.

Just lots of errors about many missing variables or type errors and other critical parts being wrong.

The latest commit is 4 - 5 months old and some commits even 2 years or older.

I know that the actual Vendure API server is the main product and devs are most likely focused on that, especially now that the new version was recently released.

Suggestions and wishes

michaelbromley commented 1 week ago

Not abandoned but you are correct that our major focus is on the backend part, as that is our actual product.

Your suggestions are exactly aligned with mine. We would love community support with these storefronts - the scope of them does not need to grow, they basically just need some care-taking and maintenance.

KariNarhi commented 1 week ago

FYI, in the apollo-client-provider.ts -file, in the APOLLO_CLIENT_PROVIDER -FactoryProvider's deps, there is a [new Optional(), REQUEST] which I replaced in my updated Storefront with requestfrom express (since nguniversal/express-engine is deprecated).

This broke my Angular Material and other functionality for some reason, so I just removed that part. I don't even know what that [new Optional(), REQUEST] was supposed to do in the old version.

Just a little tip when someone updates the Angular-starter here.