Since this button is part of a form I presume it is misfiring the submit form or something along those lines. preventdefault:click will stop that from happening. Perhaps there are other preventdefault events (like if tabbed to button and then "space" or "enter" is pressed - not sure).
Also I have a version which only reveals the bottom two "new" passwords, this might be more secure as an auto-fill might fill in the current password and revealing it, bypasses security (ie: browser requires password to see stored passwords).
But that might be developer preference because perhaps user types current password and wants to know what they typed.
Honestly, my pleasure. Its an awesome project, I am hoping to get approval on a website I am building, push it to production and use it. I appreciate the help from you and happy to contribute!
Since this button is part of a form I presume it is misfiring the submit form or something along those lines. preventdefault:click will stop that from happening. Perhaps there are other preventdefault events (like if tabbed to button and then "space" or "enter" is pressed - not sure).
Also I have a version which only reveals the bottom two "new" passwords, this might be more secure as an auto-fill might fill in the current password and revealing it, bypasses security (ie: browser requires password to see stored passwords).
But that might be developer preference because perhaps user types current password and wants to know what they typed.