venkataravuri / e-commerce-microservices-sample

A fictitious cloud-native e-commerce application using microservices architecture powered by polyglot languages & databases, deployable to Kubernetes & AWS
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docker-compose build error #2

Closed ewanlee closed 7 years ago

ewanlee commented 7 years ago

when I run sudo docker-compose build --no-cache, it shows:

Step 3/6 : RUN apk add --update curl && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/ ---> Running in 1aebdd96abb3 fetch ERROR: temporary error (try again later) WARNING: Ignoring APKINDEX.167438ca.tar.gz: No such file or directory fetch ERROR: temporary error (try again later) WARNING: Ignoring APKINDEX.a2e6dac0.tar.gz: No such file or directory ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints: curl (missing): required by: world[curl] ERROR: Service 'discovery-microservice' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apk add --update curl && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/' returned a non-zero code: 1