venomous0x / WhatsAPI

Interface to WhatsApp Messenger
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Block Number Problem! New Update. Block number if send 19 msg #251

Open lahmacuns opened 11 years ago

lahmacuns commented 11 years ago

Whatsapp has a new precaution. It block after 19 messages. My trials: Reconnection for each message and with 2 seconds delay, my number is blocked after 19 messages. Changed the message content randomly and the result was the same. Changed IP and same results.

They have a new precaution. Anybody have a solution? I am planning to use it for newslettering this weekend.

PS: It's not spam or marketing. I have a 2500 member institution.

picaporte commented 11 years ago

It's the same with me. Block number in the last three days :(

timespace7 commented 11 years ago

A number will be blocked after sending 19 messages? Sending messages in official WhatsApp client will block the number too?

shirioko commented 11 years ago

Of course you won't be banned after sending 19 messages. This is just another spammer who tries to send 10000 messages each day. I thought we were already done with this bullshit.

shirioko commented 11 years ago

Try using sleep(1); After sending each message as I mentioned before. It will decrease your output but you might not be banned.

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

that is incorrect @shirioko i was sending only to 500 different numbers and with a sleep of 1 sec but after I updated registeration to v2 the limit is different now

brittson commented 11 years ago

@kingk110 what is the new limit ?

CODeRUS commented 11 years ago

maybe try to use message_typing?

ivanbill commented 11 years ago

I confirm sending about 21 same msgs to 21 different numbers, account will be block. Tried sleep() as well. but you can send many to one numbers is okay

shirioko commented 11 years ago

Maybe they finally have a spam filter?

ivanbill commented 11 years ago

But using phone whatsapp copy paste many ppl quick no block?

spnvcn commented 11 years ago

Today I try to send 2000 messages to 2000 diferents numers whit sleep(2) and whatsapp block my number when i send 150 messages. I will try to continue sending with another number. Somepeople know how can I capture The error in real time?

shirioko commented 11 years ago

500 different numbers, 2000 messages to 2000 different numbers? Somebody stop this madness! FFS this in NOT an issue related to this project.

timespace7 commented 11 years ago

@spnvcn 2000 different numers? Have you verify that the numbers you sent are registered as whatsapp user? As different people show different limit (3 to 150), I guess an number will be blocked once it sends messages to a unregistered number.

spnvcn commented 11 years ago

@Timespace7 I don't verify if all numbers are users of whatsapp. In The next test i Will verify

lahmacuns commented 11 years ago

the first number I have tried was not registered with yowsup. was an old one 2 months aged. first I thought the issue relies on that and I have tested the 2 numbers I've got with yowsp. It has banned within 19th message again. message content is completely changing in random for each message. I have put 2 seconds space between each message and the result is still the same. I believe this is a new update.

ivanbill commented 11 years ago

Shirioko we need to know what he use before we say his action is madness. For me I used to email then send text messages (500 sms) per day to 500 workers to announce their schedule. Then now I found this api that I could use it to do that for my company.

shirioko commented 11 years ago

That's ridiculous, if your workers are using WhatsApp they also have internet access and you could simply email them. No issues, no complications, and text formatting (e.g. tables), something that the official WhatsApp client doesn't support.

ivanbill commented 11 years ago

shirioko if according to what you saying that's mean this api is ridiculous too. what is your standard of using this api? for fun?. whatsapp is easier than email. You might find it funny some people in this world don't know how to use email at all but that is real. We used to email but just cant continue and we switch to SMS were it just popup on their phone. 80% of our worker ( waiter in restaurant) did not finish primary school & know very simple english words and we have to manually set whatsapp on their nokia symbian phone.

shirioko commented 11 years ago

First of all, WhatsApp is available for only a number of platforms like Android, Windows Phone and iOS. Email is available on any platform. So if your worker has an old pre-Symbian Nokia (which is able to send and receive email), or forgets to charge or loses his phone he's screwed. Email is accesible from any place on any platform, WhatsApp is limited to 1 device per 1 phonenumber.

Second, if you use a proper email client it will give you the proper push notifications like SMS. Email also lets you send vCal files which can be imported into the calendar.

My personal reason for using this API is to bring WhatsApp to unsupported platforms like Windows for people without a smartphone, or who just want to use it on their desktop. I'm currrently working on a .NET version, but I'm also looking into WhatsAPI for easy web access.

brittson commented 11 years ago

@shirioko @Kingkong1 why you guys are discussing on email vs whatsapp thing , please focus on the issue , i tried to send 17 msgs then reregister and get a new password and then again send 17 ,but then i saw its blocked , question is how they are finding the that we are sending msgs which are not from official client ??

shirioko commented 11 years ago

Probably because you are not following the proper protocol (sequence of nodes).

And as I stated before, not being able to spam people through this API is NOT an issue :')

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

i think if you use an official client then it will send you the password each time you send a message or something like that so try to get a new password each time you want to send a message. will it stay be blocked after sending to 19 different numbers ?

lahmacuns commented 11 years ago

@shirioko, you have no contribution other than distracting the thread. I dont use whatsapp api for spamming purpose, dont know others.

Can you send more than 19 messages on your system? If you try so, you'll see that you cannot. Whatsapp take a new security measurements. before you type here, you can see it with trying.

Akuka commented 11 years ago

I have a hypothesis why this happens, I did not check it, but if you think about it there is some sense ... whatsapp have access to the contact list on the mobile device on which the client is installed. They know how many people you have contact list. Once we use this API, we do not consider it, as it were our contacts list is empty - is suspicious. How it makes sense to send so many messages and we do not have any contact list? I do not know how to verify this, but if anyone can, check it.

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

@Akuka that what I wanted to meant in this comment :

lahmacuns commented 11 years ago

@kingk110 you also get blocked after 17 messages?

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

no didn't try because i was blocked with 10 numbers !!!!

lahmacuns commented 11 years ago

is there anyone got a solution for this problem? I am still being banned after 17th message. I'll be very glad if anycone have the solution.

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

how are you unblocking the number that was blocked @lahmacuns

brittson commented 11 years ago

seems like they are blocking for 5 msgs now :(

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

did anybody try with a registered version of whatsapp before I try and loose my registered account ?

jfuentesc commented 11 years ago

I've a theory...

Whatsapp has created new rules to block accounts. And since today at 12.00 GMT (aprox.) still has increased them. F.Ex. The broadcasting messages doesn't works in old clients (using Bluestack).

In this new stage they're blocking with a few message sents (3,5, 15) no limit by messages, (limit by time that one batch process it's executed).

My theory (and i've read other people that ask it), it's that every time that we make a login, or we make a send, new password it's returned, and should be updated).

Also i have a number where i've just sent more than 20 messages in less than 5 minutes (to 2 phones of myself), and i couldn't block it... That's very strange..

Maybe we need to spy again the information transfered between new clients and whatsapi, to see if it sends something different.

Anybody nows if this happens only with Whatsappi, or also with Yowsup? Because if they do fine, we can compare the code with it... It's easy to migrate from Python to asp or php.

Akuka commented 11 years ago

@jfuentesc its happens with yowsup too.. ( someone now how its possible to sniff or spy on the information transfered between new clients and whatsapi? i think all the data transfered with ssl... so how its possible to listen it?

shirioko commented 11 years ago

Email me your credentials and a list of target numbers and I'll test it for you using WhatsApiNet (I'm not willing to risk my own dev number)

jfuentesc commented 11 years ago

Tomorrow i will give you one card and the password, and some numbers to send test without limit J


De: Max Kovaljov [] Enviado el: martes, 22 de enero de 2013 19:36 Para: venomous0x/WhatsAPI CC: jfuentesc Asunto: Re: [WhatsAPI] Block Number Problem! New Update. Block number if send 19 msg (#251)

Email me your credentials and a list of target numbers and I'll test it for you using WhatsApiNet (I'm not willing to risk my own dev number)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

wanker commented 11 years ago

@shirioko - Dude, stop imposing your views and interests on everyone here who is interested in this API. This whole thing is completely useless if I we are unable to send more than 20 messages out in one swoop. I have an Internet business and want to notify my subscribers (i.e. hundreds) several times a day. That's a very legitimate use and I don't need you polluting this thread on when and why this API should be used. Spammers will use it as well - yes - nothing we can do about that.

And don't tell me to use email. By the way - 1990 called - it wants its hat back.

shirioko commented 11 years ago

@Akuka SSL is used in HTTPS connections, WhatsApp uses direct socket connections and I don't think they use TLS. However, the data is encoded with their own dictionary, you can use that to decode node names.

ganySA commented 11 years ago

Is this now solved? it looks like the thread just died?

Akuka commented 11 years ago

Apparently no one has managed to find a solution... Or... Someone found a solution and shares with us??

I really need this problem solved ... I am willing to contribute phone numbers for whatsapp account to check.. if anyone thinks it will help him

jfuentesc commented 11 years ago

@shirioko - Where i can send you a pair of test numbers when you can send all that you want?


Akuka commented 11 years ago

i got the whatsapp client source code from the apk file.. But it's a bit messy and hard to read ... (Probably run something mess up the code ..) If anyone thinks it might help him find the solution, I can send him the source ...

beldar commented 11 years ago

Hi there,

This happened to me too, after sending 4 messages to myself, there're some new rules and limitations we're not aware of, and I don't think it's about the number of messages, but the way they're sent.

Since there wasn't any WhatsApp update recently, the control must be on the strictness of the protocol, I think there may be 2 key factors: 1) The time lapsed between messages. 2) The composing state before a message is sent.

I can test this theory tho, since my dev number has been blocked :(

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

it may be related to the composing state or some function that is not being used by the apis we are working on. can anyone try to use the "is typing message" before sending any message and use the "last seen request also".

FAlbanni commented 11 years ago

@shirioko PLEASE stop replying nonsenses you clearly don't have a clue about a thing here, go away retard !

walter-white commented 11 years ago

Hi there, I'm being blocked also on so many whatsapp accounts. The last one has been blocked after one day and a half of intensive use, sending 790 messages to 374 contacts. The phone has made the process of Login 44 times, and then has been blocked. I will try to spread the use between different mobiles. What about the message typing, somebody has it implemented. Some new ideas? @kingk110 have you got any idea of why are we getting blocked?

jfuentesc commented 11 years ago

Dear Walter,

The algorithm of blocking SIMs are very dark, and improved to avoid Spam. F.ex... With Bluestack we had a pure Whatsapp and it blocked SIMs each 2500 messages, 1250, 500 and at the end 300 messages.

With Whatsapi, i was be able to launch between 500-1000 messages,

In my latest test some days ago i had two types of responses a) It blocked 10 SIMs in 5-6 message b) I send 300 messages with other number without any kind of problem, and was not blocked..

My theory ,and also questions are:

a) There is some kind of check to determine if a message is spam or not to block the sim b) The number of the SIM can be a factor that determines the kind of checkings to do. c) Time of sending message is not a significative indicator... I've make sends each hour, with a maximum of 5 messages daily and they were blocked d) Number of logins is significative???? Should we made a login each time we send a message? e) In the line of Beldar, Message have a correct composite? And the detect with a batch process that are not ok? Maybe they send a token in the login, or each message, that should be used in the composite of message? f) Some kind of Black IPs?

Sorry, i can't help more, only explain my issues.

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

Hope that I had any tiny idea, but for alas no. if I'll have half a one I will share it here rapidly to f*\ whatsapp. :(:(:(

jonnywilliamson commented 11 years ago

@kingk110 Yeah you sock it to them!

Screw whatsapp, I mean why shouldn't you be allowed to send THOUSANDS of messages using THEIR servers for YOUR spam...err I mean "business" for a one off fee of 89 cent**

What pricks that company is. You should ring them up and get your money back. I've got my fingers crossed for you.***

\ Convert to local currency.

*\ To sod off.

walter-white commented 11 years ago

@Akuka I have read that you have implemented a method to check if is the number is registered in whatsapp, like the one of yowsup but in php. Do you mind to share it with me/us ? Thanks

kingk110 commented 11 years ago

Guys why don't we move on other free messaging applications maybe they'll have a true payed service that you can send large number to your subscribers. I heard about line. Can't we try it using sockets as if we have done here or maybe viber!!!

If I was the developer of this api I would try to do another one but I don't have the professional skills to do that.