venomous0x / WhatsAPI

Interface to WhatsApp Messenger
2.59k stars 2.14k forks source link

. #538

Closed thomasvargiu closed 9 years ago

TruthEdge commented 10 years ago

First find a solution for the blocking channels before going for v2.0


shirioko commented 10 years ago

Sounds more like we need a solution to keep the spammers/scripters away

I guess the README isn't clear enough

TruthEdge commented 10 years ago

@Shiriko , please read my first post here .

And yes, I agree to found a solution for spammers .

But, for who isn't spamming and getting block after couple messages even though we have sender number SAVED in contact list for receipts so it's clearly not spamming :100:


jonnywilliamson commented 10 years ago

@thomasvargiu - That is an idea that has been close to my heart since I saw this project.

I have only attempted the very first beginnings of what you are suggesting and some of them have already been incorporated.

Indeed I have started a new branch in my repository fork ( ) called laravel that you can actually install via composer and works like other Laravel commands well


WA::sendMessage(); etc etc

I have this up on packagist ( but because I am involved with a large project in work at the moment I will not be able to devote any regular time to this until April/May.

I fully support it though

bjornpost commented 10 years ago

@thomasvargiu I noticed you have a branch on your fork which contains a cleaned up version of WhatsAPI which looks promising. Are you still working on this? What's on your TODO list?

/cc: @jorisleker

shirioko commented 10 years ago

Wait, since when does GitHub allow creating a new project with an existing name..?

zelda322 commented 10 years ago

nice idea

jonnywilliamson commented 10 years ago

@shirioko - I assume since the name is "thomasvargiu/whatsapi" and not "venomous0x/WhatsAPI" that it's fine.

@thomasvargiu - Ooh. very nice, loving the fact that there are tests etc. Will look into this, well done.

shirioko commented 10 years ago

Hmm I was pretty sure project names were global and unique on GitHub

shirioko commented 10 years ago

Nah, the name is not an issue, I just thought that it wasn't possible :)

jonnywilliamson commented 10 years ago

@thomasvargiu I've had a look at the project. Very very nice. (I haven't executed it yet as not at home) but it looks excellent and clean.

I have submitted a few thoughts on your repo.

jonnywilliamson commented 10 years ago

Hello Thomas,

Thanks very much for your email. This is great timing as I've just started a new rewrite on my own personal project that needs to use what's app for creating notifications to myself and my wife so I'll be very keen to test this.

However I'm currently on holiday at the moment and will be back in a two weeks and will check this out

Thanks very much!

m-derevyanko commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry for my eng guys! @thomasvargiu What do i think? Absolutely same script with modern-style-coding. Absolutely same problems and core-code methods. This is very nice start, with the same code.

I think u and first api-project shud pay more attention to work with sockets at all. Your scripts are just seems like single-run-test-bot, with bad quality of network organization.

Because all this rude socket scenaries shud die in agony:


$this->pollMessages();// lol what?
$this->pollMessages();// lol what2?
$this->pollMessages();// lol what3?

In that way if u set set_socket_bloking(..., false) or TIMEOUT_SEC = 0 (with TIMEOUT_USEC = 500) your scripts will die. Cuz they do work only with 2 sec timeouts, when the whatsapp server shud have time to respond, or the scenario of auth work will fail. It shud be more multipurpose, to give interesting decisions to developers.

There shud be event-trafic reader, wich cud know what to do with one ore another node at login method, without any rude schema.

onClose event at readStanza do not work at the first api, and here too. Cuz script always returns

if (strlen($header) == 0) {
                //no data received
                return '';

And there is same shit with write methods. Why don't u trigger onClose when fwrite to socket returns false? Closing of sockets shud be determined with boths cases.

At venomous0x/WhatsAPI eventManager is shit at least because of static $event_listeners parameter and without any static add/remove methods.

Situation: I started two whatsProt bots, both have eventsManager class by default (at whatsProt class) and both by logic shud have their own eventListeners added. This is two different trees of objects. But by now, after adding two different eventm by one listener to each bot, will result at 2 eventListeners in each bot class, cuz they will accumulate at static eventManager parameter.

So, its just pfff...

I hope that u take your steps in development of new project to solve all tehnic issues, and socmetic nice-style-coding will be just cool addition at global progress. Or there is no any sence to do that at all. Thanx!

m-derevyanko commented 9 years ago

@thomasvargiu with pleasure

jonnywilliamson commented 9 years ago


Ok I've started on this and I'm building some optional Laravel syntax "sugar" to build around your code.

This would allow some nice clean code like this

$message = 'Hello';

if( $user->allowTextMessage) 
  WA::sendMessage($user->mobile, $message)
}else {
 //send email instead.

But I have a few questions. Would you be interested in dropping me an email.

It's my username here at github, with AT

Great job on the code BTW!

mohmedmostafa commented 9 years ago

channels for whatsapp for sale begin with .$.26 skype id: eng.mohamedmos